Tuesday, March 20, 2012
John Sexton NYU Evil Empire
NYU evil empire John Sexton who will get prime real estate in hell mega dormed East Village to death inspiring NY Law, SVA and Cooper Union to confuse the EV with dorm fodder as their greed and stupidity destroys entire communities East and West and their illegal zone busting weighs heavy on our infrastructure. I demanded community outreach resource center on every mega dorm and every facility where the use term community facility to bust thru zoning and exclude the community. Visit 120 East 12th St and u r witness in a crime scene -- illegal air sale by the corrupt USPS to corrupt NYU. USPS had to notify the State of NY re: air sake over St Ann's from 1847 and never did it. I spoke to AG Environmental Crimes and had him talk to Andrew Berman. We had and have a case but we the community would have to sue! NYU spends big money along with Cooper Union to beat down community law suits. NYU evil empire from Seaport to Chelsea to Stuy Town which was suppose to be affordable housing not dorms. Sexton ran down to testify Mike must have a third term and for a gay woman Quinn in bed with lots of men all destroying our communities Bloomberg Rudin Sexton short list. Mike has most corrupt evil city planner commissioner Amanda the People's Burden socialite mega millionaire with 40 million dollar trust for her kids. She always rules against The People always for Greed and Stupidity.