Scroll down on true news until you get to christine quinn.
Reminder Christine Quinn got herself a speech writer and a luxury condo in a buildings she used tax payer money to smooth the way re: some garbage issue next door and she is back to this crazy idea we believe what she says but New Yorkers are not stupid. We know when Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn talk to read the sub-titles as in lying and full of bull-loney.
Quinn sold the great lie we needed Mike to help us with the economy. Has he helped you? No!
They helped their pals.
Read The New York Daily News every day as they expose the real Christine Quinn instead of the phony puff pieces that have been strategically place on behalf of her mega-rich pals that want her in office so Mike can have a fourth term.
The NY Daily News reporters already exposed Christine Quinn was sued 4 times for not paying rent and she wants to be our mayor! She said we need Mike to help us? Well she can’t come up for money for the rent but she magically has money for a condo and a speech writer?
Do the math! scroll down until you see this!