CCRB Complaint form
against 2 Internal Affairs Cops!
click on this powerful documentation above
to read it!
(Joe Sanchez reads it out loud
in my new YouTube)
You can hear Adrian Schoolcraft
being kidnapped --
listen to the audio recording and hear
Chief Marino implicate himself
and above 30 years ago -- NYPD
Internal Affairs exposed
and attempting to coerce
a community member to lie
and frame
Joe Sanchez because
the NYPD want to shut down
whistle blowing
and protect
a culture of corruption.
(starts about 17:50 minutes in to the podcast.)
Note if you are looking at this post from a smart phone it is cropped...
you have to look from computer....
FYI -- I just made a complaint about Internal Affairs myself
and I was forced to make it directly
Internal Affairs...
I made complaints to CCRB on all NYPD involved in
fixing me being assaulted by
manager and CCRB refused to
investigate and
gave them all to Internal Affairs...
(I will be giving testimony against
CCRB at their offices this Wed.)
This document is a complaint made
by a man kidnapped
by NYPD Internal Affairs cops held for 4 days
because he would not agree to lie and frame Joe Sanchez.
I post this to show you in 30
years very little
has changed and if you do not believe me
than wait until the Adrian Schoolcraft Trial in Sept.
Adrian Schoolcraft was betrayed
by Internal Affairs as well.
Because of the way I was treated
and IA acting
as swiftly as a turtle in molasses
I was thrilled to get this document.
Below you will see letters praising
NYPD hero Joe Sanchez and requesting
Benjamin Ward to re-instate him
but that never happened because
the NYPD have a history
of protecting a culture of corruption
and retaliating against good cops
-- whistle blower NYPD
in the worst ways possible...truly evil.
Below a YouTube interview
with former NYPD Joe Sanchez set-up by Internal Affairs for reporting a truly Bad Lt.
Joe will always tell you there
are good NYPD and one of them gave Joe the CCRB complaint form against in my opinion the 2 corrupt Internal Affairs police officers.
You will hear what we all know
--- NYPD supervisors retaliate against good cops ...Joe reads the CCRB complaint which of course which went no where.....( The NYPD love that term -- "this will go no where." That was what I was told about me reporting I was assaulted and reported the assault at the 01 Precinct. Sock puppet acct YouTube said my law suits will go no where.)
What you learn from this post is in
30 years not much has changed.
CCRB ineffectual --- Internal Affairs will
be exposed in Sept. 2013 Adrian Schoolcraft trial for setting Adrian up just like this complaint form shows Internal Affairs kidnapping a man for 4 days to try and coerce him in to saying Joe stole money when in fact he did not and they guy they kidnapped refused to lie despite being held hostage and his family locked out of their home and his car double parked for 4 days.....
This is part 2 of a YouTube documentary series
that I will continue interviewing Joe Sanchez throughout the Adrian Schoolcraft trial. My goal is to get him and his family an apology from The City of New York and have him re-instated so Joe can officially become a retired NYPD officer vs "former". Because Det. John Vergona fixed me being violently assaulted I would end up focusing on Adrian Schoolcraft and found Sanchez's wiki page which lead to this YouTube series.
This is part 2 in my series..
here is part 1 on him and Adrian Schoolcraft...
click on letter to read...
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click on letter to read |
Click on the image above to read it --
She was a juror who wrote Charles Hynes
I posted previously
and Charles Hynes wrote her
back agreeing
it was a gross
miscarriage of Justice
and NYPD Joe Sanchez
should be re-instated.
See her letter and Charles Hynes letters
30 years ago
-- agreeing Joe should be re-instated...
I want to visit them both and film them
for my YouTube documentary.
Friday afternoon I will post a YouTube
with her
-- now 83 recovering from
a stroke
and willing to speak up for
Joe's innocent
and request he be re-instated
30 years later. now still.
Will Charles Hynes give me an interview
for my YouTube documentary?
Link requesting apology and honorary re-instatement....
It is clear Benjamin Ward who
in my opinion was corrupt
-- there was enough evidence he
was before he was appointed
commissioner by Koch--
was protecting the Blue Wall of corruption
and refused but Charles Hynes
was not going to take Ward on
which is why Hynes as lasted
as long a he has just as Richard Brown
the Queens DA refused to put
NYPD Chief Marino and than Capt.
now DI Mauriello
in front of a grand jury for
kidnapping Adrian Schoolcraft.
The difference is
Adrian Schoolcraft's lawyers
have served Richard Brown,
Queen's DA with a subpoena
If my 2 part series interviewing Joe Sanchez on the similarities
Click on the image to read it...
I made this larger -- a heart breaking
letter praising
Joe for trying to
save this woman's baby who did die
but she was so moved
Joe's heroic effort she wrote a letter praising him.
This was after Joe was set-up
by Internal Affairs to
protect their friend
a truly Bad Lt. --and Joe was fired
for being a
Whistle Blower just like Adrian Schoolcraft --
30 years apart same treatment.
No set-up with bullets like Serpico
but a bullet to Joe and Adrian's career's.
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Joe Sanchez as a Port Authority Police Officer before he became NYPD See below the link you can hear Adrian Schoolcraft being kidnapped -- listen to the audio recording... The Queens DA just ruled that Adrian Schoolcraft being abducted by corrupt NYPD officers and they are high up cannot be put in front of a Grand Jury! Gee, I wonder why. Well Richard Brown and Internal Affairs say Deputy Chief Marino and DI Mauriello did nothing wrong getting an NYPD Swat team with machine guns called ES U unit (interview these guys and I bet they even think it was wrong) shutting down the street, bringing in a fire truck all because Adrian Schoolcraft had good reason to be scared. MARCH 2013 UPDATE: ADRIAN'S LAWYERS JUST SERVED QUEENS DA RICHARD BOWN!!!!! NYDN March 13, 2013 Update: Adrian Schoolcraft NYPD Whistle Blower is suing over psych ward lockup after doctors held him from leaving NY Post article on Chief Marino --- juiced tested positve -- listen to Adrian Schoolcraft tape of abduction Deputy Chief Marino sounds "juiced" and like he is the EDP -- emotionally disturbed person not a very calm sane Adrian Schoolcraft. PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS TAPE AND HEAR DEPUTY CHIEF MARINO FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!Listen to this and learn why the DA refused to put this in front of a grand jury -- because it was a sure indictment.
(starts about 17:50 minutes in to the podcast.) |