Rojika Antanesian, James Toomey Violence, Perjury, Styrofoam cups ok with Travelers Group?
If travelers group wanted to send me a message there on ethical that violence towards women violence towards medical patients violating patients rights making a mockery of Styrofoam and how it's harm to our planet killed how many sea creatures that is killing our ocean it's all a big joke that they are devoted to evil and violence and protecting wrongdoing the way pedophile priests have been protected then they sent me a message effectively and I'm demanding an apology and accountability. Rather than apologies it just seems like even more people join in protecting horrific wrong going and now Travelers Group must apologize to me for The abuse that went on in their offices in a deposition I won't take an apology from their lawyers it would have to be from their board and they would have to be accountability for what went on including the Styrofoam cups waved at me as close to giving a victim the finger in a legal proceeding.
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Lawsuit re: NYPD culture rape, sodomy, sexual harassment!Travelers James Toomey appointed Rajika to join Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks mock me the violence #patient rights VIOLATED.1 concern re-appeal my lawsuit against NYPD? DrF bragged trusts NYPD investigate… |
6/16/21, 10:20 AM |
I thought I would get justice and accountability but I was harmed yet again and travelers group offices and one from a doctors office to travelers group more abuse more wrongdoing....!!!!! My patient rights my human rights violated my body violated and in travelers group offices I was mocked and terribly abused by travelers lawyer Rajika Antanesian appointed by James Toomey the doctor and his employee IN TRAVELERS OFFICES!!!! They did refrain from actually hitting me unlike the doctors office but it was extremely abusive and travelers did have one concern was I going to re-appeal my lawsuit against the NYPD not about me my body my patient rights violated her perjury but was I going to re-appeal my lawsuit against the the NYPD (who Dr Andrew Fagelman bragged smirked he TRUSTED to investigate and admit it he did not investigate and that's OK with travelers group?
I am owed apologies by the board of the travelers group for what happened in Travelers group offices and I allege their lawyers were party to cheat to win then my life my patient rights are human rights my body being violated meant nothing it was like the film spotlight that I have no value as a victim because the doctor he should be protected like a pedophile priests Teflon that's my opinion and all my blogs are my Pinyan blogs.... I alleged besides the terrible abuses that went on in the deposition from waving Styrofoam cups at me to mocking me the violence and even me caring about the environment that Styrofoam is harming the environment yes travelers group lawyer did that in travelers offices I'm alleging that they cheated to win that they knew he was gonna walk in and commit perjury and lie under oath the attack did not happen on his property but when he stated he takes my attacker to drug parties than the travelers group Rajika corrected him and said Dr Andrew Fagelman meant he takes Delita Hooks to pharmaceutical parties.
The fact that she didn't correct him when he lied under oath and she had made me watch that video over and over she knew the attack happened on his property in my opinion it shows that travelers group has no ethics there about cheating to win and harming someone like me even more which is what they did in their offices and I'm old and apology by their board.
If the board has ethics then they need to take action against the lawyers and what they did to me in their offices Travelers group offices!
Edward M. Fogarty, Jr., Lawyer at Litchfield Cavo -- how did he come to be involved in all this and why is it OK for his client to take a Styrofoam cup from the travelers group lawyer and for them to both wave at at me cruelly mockingly as Close to giving me the victim the finger yet again in the middle of a deposition but Ed Forgarty did not object to that he objected to me shaking my head as his client openly committed perjury! And example we were never alone but it was a relief when occasionally his client admitted the truth like yelling at me she was going to slap the shit out of my ass!
Ask Ed Forgarty JR about his objecting to my shaking my head while his client Delita Hooks committed perjury like lying we were alone when we were never alone or that I followed her when in fact she stalked me as she repeatedly Violated my Patient Rights beginning with yelling at me that I have no rights! by the way don't I have a basic human right to go to the doctors and not be yelled at that I have no rights and half my body violated and don't I have basic rights and civil rights to not be finally threatened with the arrest by NYPD unless I drop charges?
Ed Fogerty was silent as his client Delita Hooks threw her self against the wall and also violently waved a Styrofoam cup at me with Travelers group lawyer Rajika; both Rajika and Delita sadistically smirking at me
CRUELLY SMIRKING I guess that's what traveler groups is really about that's their ethics, integrity and values?
Rojika Antanesian mouthed the word "sorry" to me during a deposition--
It was in the context of me traveling out of state she wanted to know do I travel out of state and I said yes to visit my dying mother.
If James Tomey represents Travelers group than in my opinion he represents that Travelers group is unethical and perjury and abusive behavior cruel behavior mocking violence Styrofoam mocking violence violating patient rights violating a patient's body lying gaslighting is OK that's what travelers group has come to in my with James Tomey and Rojika Antanesian and their helper Ed Forgarty jr who didn't bat an eye when Delita Hooks got up in the middle of a deposition and threw her self against the wall lying that I did that but reprimanded me for shaking my head when his client Delita Hooks was openly committing perjury.
I guess the fact that Dr Fagelman's employee could have killed me with a running punch my head is just hilarious to Travelers group their lawyers and to Dr Fagelman and Delita Hooks.
If you deal with this woman in a professional matter I want to warn you and alert you she's unethical disingenuous not to be taken at face value she's evil she's a liar -- she said sorry mouthing the word - she isn't sorry she is cruel abusive and she was empowered 100% by James Tomey. I don't believe she snuck Styrofoam cups past him but discussed all her extreme cruelty with him!
She handed Delita Hooks a violent liar who with her employer Dr Andrew Fagelman openly committed perjury and I believe James Tomey and Rojika Antanesian were aware of the perjury. Rojika had no Problem with her client lying stating I wasn't assaulted on his property he wasn't aware I was assaulted when he admitted watching that video six times but I sat in a room prior to this with his lawyer watching her watch the video over and over she knew I was assaulted on his property and didn't say a word but Dr Fagelman said he took Delita Hooks to drug parties she corrected him!
 | Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) |
@vegansuz @xryouthus @armandoarrieta @nytimes Traveler group lawyer James Tomey assigned Rajika Antanesian defend Dr Fagelman she stacked styrofoam cups up she waved one at me like Delita Hooks aka f-u! Hooks lawyer Edward Fogarty jr ok w/ Dee Hooks f u styrofoam cup move + throwing herself against a wall during deposition?
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 | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
NYC I Love You Big Time: Rojika Antanesian, James Toomey Violence, Perjury, Styrofoam cups ok with Travelers Group? Travelers group lawyers unethical? Yes in my opinion but nyc corrupt so 0 accountability? Travelers knew Dr F wrong doing chose to protect!…
It appears to me the travelers group has zero ethics and they chose to join in the gang of wrongdoing because they don't have ethics and they owe me an apology but I wouldn't take it from the lawyers it would have to be from the travelers group board.
I would warn you if Rojika Antanesian says Anything to you even an apology it's not real she is such a disingenuous unethical person and again she didn't do what she did in a vacuum but she did it with James Tomey and Ed Forgarty jr having full knowledge of her styrofoam cup antics and handing a woman who violently assaulted me repeatedly many many times and was over me asking would you consider paper cups instead of Styrofoam seem to amuse Rojika so much she offered Delita Hooks a styrofoam cup and they both waved them in my direction like they were giving me a finger in the middle the depositions.
Do I think James Tomey and gang are unethical lawyers that knew their clients were going to commit perjury and why like the doctor saying it didn't happen on my property when they knew what happened on his property and Dr Fagelman and Delita Hooks lied under oath
who helped them with their new false narratives
Like my attacker Delita Hooks was not a receptionist or an office manager as if she's not having those titles would alleviate her from violating my patient rights
Dr Andrew Fagelman and Rojika Antanesian behavior in the deposition extremely abusive but the judge did not know about what happened in the next deposition with Delita Hooks, Rojika Antanesian and Ed Fogarty jr and that's too bad and I hope down the road she will an action will be taken that's just my wish.
James Tomey should have been censured with Rojika Antanesian because I believe he green lighted all abuse and so allege even possibly more wrong doing. They were shocking new false narrative's all with the goal to alleviate any liability and my question does Travelers group want to win by unethical means?
for me so far my journey it seems like a wall around the justice system where everyone involve people who piled on to help try and get Dr Fagelman and his employee off may have crossed lines ethical lines and if you're helping to fabricate false narrative's have you broken the law I don't know? I am just asking.
Dr Andrew Fagelman and Rojika Antanesian would later be censured by the judge when the judge was alerted to f vicious mocking inappropriate behavior kind of what went on in Dr Andrew Fagelman's office when my patient rights were being violated remember this lawyer is bad behavior happened with James Tomey s knowledge. As I said I don't believe that she snuck Styrofoam cups into that deposition room without his knowledge.
I guess Travelers group is ok with this kind of abusive behavior whether to do medical office or in their lawyers office is in the travelers group building?
Based on what I witnessed based on what I experienced James Tomey is not a good lawyer but my opinion he is an unethical and there is no way what went down in offices went down without his knowledge
I've been looking at him and Fogarty and found some interesting things.
I don't know what to make of it all yet but what are you do say is somethings very wrong with travelers group and it's too bad the judge didn't know what happened in the depositions with Delita Hooks, Rojika
It seems that lawyers that act unethically and abusively ours Teflon as the doctor and his employee there is Teflon is pedophile priests I think of the film spotlight and one judge he said I'm not going to support this and I'd hoped this would be the judge but instead it just appeared to meet the victim that there's a wall around the justice system and people that behave badly they have no decency or empathy and in this case is this James Tomey as Travelers group lawyer saying Travelers group is as unethical as him?
I really would like to sit down with the Board Of Travelers group when this is all over and really go over what happened in Tomey's offices which are in the Travelers group building
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