What is not mentioned is mayor Bloomberg’s significant other is on the board of that park! The protestors face arrest but the mayor does not have to worry about arrest even though he perjured himself in court. The Manhattan DA, Cy Vance gave Team Bloomberg immunity but perjury is not covered by immunity. Mike Bloomberg, team Bloomberg and Christine Quinn are part of a larger percentage than 1 percent above the law. (I know the NY Time censors won’t allow this free speech which is not rude or dishonest so I will post on all my blogs to underscore The NY Times censorship is alive and well.)
Wow the new york times approved my comment and I already go two thumbs up.
Suzannah B. Troy
New York
October 13th, 2011
10:51 pm
What is not mentioned is mayor Bloomberg’s significant other is on the board of that park! The protestors face arrest but the mayor does not have to worry about arrest even though he perjured himself in court. The Manhattan DA, Cy Vance gave Team Bloomberg immunity but perjury is not covered by immunity. Mike Bloomberg, team Bloomberg and Christine Quinn are part of a larger percentage than 1 percent above the law. (I know the NY Time censors won’t allow this free speech which is not rude or dishonest so I will post on all my blogs to underscore The NY Times censorship is alive and well.)
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