Monday, October 31, 2011
Playing the Occupation for Laughs Occupation Wall Street (this review appeared in the NY Times paper the next day)
Sunday, October 30, 2011
This Is All Happening Right Now (a tribute to the occupy movement)
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Notify NYC City Parks to Close
Louis Flores and I were chatting when he got the alert!
Maybe the NYPD won’t close the Zuccotti Park real name Liberty Park because of the Brookfield connection isn’t quite a public park is it?
Suzannah B. Troy Blizzard Update Freezing Rain to Bloomie Rupe Fast One NY Pensions to Tacopina Seigel NYPD Rape Cop Lawyers Rude Sexually Ignorant V Lawyers
Yo, first I got caught in the freezing rain. I didn’t bring my own bags to carry home food from Whole Foods so their double bagged paper shopping back broke in the middle of the street with 2 beautiful apples rolling into filthy dirty black water. My hands were numb with cold. Needless to say I didn’t bring the apples home. What a waste of money and fruit. (note i downloaded Steve Jobs bio on to my iphone -- my eyes get tired so it is audio unabridged. )
How is Occupy Wall Street doing? Go to this link and make sure to follow like a treasure hunt the links until you get to the dish on Brookfield, Occupy’s landlord being worth $150 Billion yes 150 BILLION dollars and they got big loans from our Federal Government! about the loans. I am eager for an update from Occupy.
One percent of the richest folks USA will control NYC pension with Mike Bloomberg's help -- just like he helped CityTime to be the Tax Payers Titanic.
The pension restructuring should have happened in the 1st term.
One percent of the richest folks USA will control NYC pension with Mike Bloomberg's help -- just like he helped CityTime to be the Tax Payers Titanic.
The pension restructuring should have happened in the 1st term.
How convenient the pensions restructuring that should have happen in Bloomberg’s 1st term has been restructured to cutting out John Liu/Comptroller from every taking action with the massive stock the NY pension happens to own of News Corp. If you have not followed my links like a treasure hunter to the Gawker article you have missed the point of what I am saying so wake-up and you need to know about Wireless Generation and read the link i posted from NYTimes on Liu putting the kibosh on 27 million dollar deal Rupe’s Wireless Generation NYC gov schools....amazing how much power Rupe has and he doesn’t like being interfered with.
How convenient the pensions restructuring that should have happen in Bloomberg’s 1st term has been restructured to cutting out John Liu/Comptroller from every taking action with the massive stock the NY pension happens to own of News Corp. If you have not followed my links like a treasure hunter to the Gawker article you have missed the point of what I am saying so wake-up and you need to know about Wireless Generation and read the link i posted from NYTimes on Liu putting the kibosh on 27 million dollar deal Rupe’s Wireless Generation NYC gov schools....amazing how much power Rupe has and he doesn’t like being interfered with.
I dare anyone in the media to ask Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel if they have any idea why rapes are up and under reported in NYC.
I urge you to write the supreme court and express your outrage that a lawyer compared women's genitals in court to a venus fly trap.
I believe in freedom of speech but calling a hate crime that encourages even more violence towards women to be punished.
Tell me the fix was not in and I will laugh in your face. I have video on Youtube of Brian King who works for Tacopina Seigel and a vile creature who would not give me her name bragging that it was going to be an acquittal. What did they know that we did not? Did they have the dinner date with the jurors planned before the trial ended as well?
I was threatened with a law suit by Chad Venus Fly Trap Seigel....never served me just like Casey Anthony's lawyer threatened a woman blogger as well.
As an artist rewarded to know Chad Seigel upset my posters dehumanizing him and Tacopina. I wrote $750 an hour on Tacopina forehead as well as over their faces my outrage at putting the rape victim on trial and comparing our genitals to a fly trap.
I dare anyone in the media to ask Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel if they have any idea why rapes are up and under reported in NYC.
I urge you to write the supreme court and express your outrage that a lawyer compared women's genitals in court to a venus fly trap.
I believe in freedom of speech but calling a hate crime that encourages even more violence towards women to be punished.
Tell me the fix was not in and I will laugh in your face. I have video on Youtube of Brian King who works for Tacopina Seigel and a vile creature who would not give me her name bragging that it was going to be an acquittal. What did they know that we did not? Did they have the dinner date with the jurors planned before the trial ended as well?
I was threatened with a law suit by Chad Venus Fly Trap Seigel....never served me just like Casey Anthony's lawyer threatened a woman blogger as well.
As an artist rewarded to know Chad Seigel upset my posters dehumanizing him and Tacopina. I wrote $750 an hour on Tacopina forehead as well as over their faces my outrage at putting the rape victim on trial and comparing our genitals to a fly trap.
Click on photo to read about Cha Seigel and Joe Tacopina needing an anatomy lesson! |
John Elligon of The NY times covered up for Chad Seigel refusing to even report Chad Seigel's name when identifying his hateful analogy posed as a question.
Occupy Wall Street -- How are they doing Blizzard Freezing Rain?
There generators have been removed -- another unkind move by Bloomberg and gang to flush them out of Brookfield’s Zuccotti Park real name Liberty Park.
Read yet another example of Christine Quinn being a big phony taking credit for everything but World Peace and the dirt on Brookfield and why they want as much attention as an organized crime gang.
Friday, October 28, 2011
150 Billion $ Brookfield Occupy Wall Street’s 1% Landlord Could Provide Solar Panels and Heated Tents for Occupy Wall Street
ps How is Brookfield worth 150 billion dollars doing with all those mega-millions of dollars they got from our Federal government for 9-11 and also Dept. of Energy?
Hilarious Christine Quinn tried to take credit for getting Brookfield to back down!
Maybe Brookfield can give Occupy Wall Street some solar panels and some warmth since they got 137 million dollar Dept. of Energy loan.
How the media including the NY post blacks out Occupy Wall Street health care protest march that ended in front of St. Vincent’s open 9-11 closed now thanks to corrupt politicians and real estate greed. The Rudins donating big to corrupt Christine Quinn who let the hospital close and it is in her district. She has sold what was left of her soul to the Rudins.
Good Bye Illinois! New Yorkers Simpatico
March 2011 letter:
As we leave Illinois for good, I wanted to say goodbye to my friends and wish all of you well. I am a lifelong son of the heartland and proud of it. After 60 years, I leave Illinois with a heavy heart. BUT enough is enough! The leaders of Illinois refuse to see we can’t continue going in the direction we are and expect people who have options to stay here. I remember when Illinois had 25 congressmen. In 2012 we will have 18. Compared to the rest of the country we have lost 1/4 of our population. Don't blame the weather, because I love 4 seasons.
Illinois just sold still more bonds and our credit rating is so bad we pay higher interest rates than junk bonds! Junk Bonds! Illinois is ranked 50th for fiscal policy; 47th in job creation; 1st in unfunded pension liabilities; 2nd largest budget deficit; 1st in failing schools; 1st in bonded indebtedness; highest sales tax in the nation; most judges indicted (Operations Greylord and Gambat); and 5 of our last 9 elected governors have been indicted. That is more than the other 49 states added together! Then add 32 Chicago Aldermen and (according to the Chicago Tribune) over 1000 state and municipal employees indicted. Also, as many other Northern States there is great racial bias against white people. The corruption tax is a real cost of doing business. We are the butt of jokes for stand up comics.
We live in the most corrupt big city, in the most corrupt big county in the most corrupt state in America . I am sick and tired of subsidizing crooks. A day rarely passes without an article about the corruption and incompetence. Chicago even got caught rigging the tests to hire police and fire! Our Crook CountyCORPORATE property tax system is intentionally corrupt. The Democrat State Chairman who is also the Speaker of the Illinois House (Spkr. Mike Madigan) and the most senior alderman in Chicago each make well over a million dollars a year putting the fix in for their clients tax assessments.
We are moving to Texas where there is no income tax while Illinois just went up 67%. Texas sales tax is ½ of ours, which is the highest in the nation. Southern states are supportive of job producers, tax payers and folks who offer opportunities to their residents. Illinois shakes them down for every penny that can be extorted from them.
In The Hill Country of Texas (near Austin and San Antonio ) we bought a gracious home on almost 2 acres with a swimming pool. It is new, will cost us around 40% of what our home in Wilmette just sold for and the property taxes are 1/3rd of what they are here. Crook County ' s property tax system is a disaster: Wilmette homes near ours sell for 50% more and their property taxes are ½ of ours. Our assessed home value was 50% higher than the sales price. The system is unfair and incompetent.
Our home value is down 40%, our property taxes are up 20% and our local schools have still another referendum on the ballot to increase taxes over 20% in one year. I could go on, but enough is enough. I feel as if we are standing on the deck of the Titanic and I can see the icebergs right in front of us. I will miss our friends a great deal. I have called Illinois home for essentially my entire life. But it is time to go where there is honest, competent and cost effective government. We have chosen to vote with our feet and our wallets. My best to all of you and Good luck!
Memorial For Charlie Beautiful White Horse Tonight!
For Immediate Release -- NYC - October 27, 2011
Elizabeth Forel - Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages -
Mary Xanthos, DVM - Win Animal Rights
he will be sent off with love and a vow that his death will
not be in vain.
(exclusive video of Spotty's death in 2006 is below **)
NEW YORK STATE SENATOR TONY AVELLA joins the Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages, other animals protection organizations and the 75% of New Yorkers who want an end to the inhumane and unsafe horse-drawn carriage industry for a
Candle Light Vigil to honor the life and death of Charlie, a beautiful white carriage horse who collapsed and died on the mean streets of New York City on Sunday morning , October 23rd – just a few blocks from the stable that he called home.
WHEN: Friday evening – October 28th – from 7pm to 9 pm
WHERE: starting at the north/west corner of Central Park South and 5th Avenue (for about one hour) and then marching to W. 54th St. where Charlie died – and then to the W. 52nd St. stable.
Senator Avella is the original sponsor of the historic Intro 658 – the first bill ever introduced into the City Council in 2007 to ban horse-drawn carriages…a bill that went nowhere in the Council because of the political cover afforded the industry by the Administration and Council Speaker.
Senator Avella has introduced the same bill into the state Senate. S5013 and A7748. The assembly bill was introduced by Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal who has also been invited to our rally. It is hoped to have a much better chance there. It will shut down this inhumane and unsafe industry in NYC.
We are calling the bill Bobby’s Bill after the NYC carriage horse we rescued from the kill floor of the New Holland live stock auctions in June 2010. Bobby II Freedom is now living a grand life at Equine Advocates’ Sanctuary in Chatham, NY. Bobby was a cast off from West Side Livery Stables.
Elizabeth Forel
Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages
Horses Without Carriages International
Elizabeth Forel - Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages -
Mary Xanthos, DVM - Win Animal Rights
he will be sent off with love and a vow that his death will
not be in vain.
(exclusive video of Spotty's death in 2006 is below **)
NEW YORK STATE SENATOR TONY AVELLA joins the Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages, other animals protection organizations and the 75% of New Yorkers who want an end to the inhumane and unsafe horse-drawn carriage industry for a
Candle Light Vigil to honor the life and death of Charlie, a beautiful white carriage horse who collapsed and died on the mean streets of New York City on Sunday morning , October 23rd – just a few blocks from the stable that he called home.
WHEN: Friday evening – October 28th – from 7pm to 9 pm
WHERE: starting at the north/west corner of Central Park South and 5th Avenue (for about one hour) and then marching to W. 54th St. where Charlie died – and then to the W. 52nd St. stable.
Senator Avella is the original sponsor of the historic Intro 658 – the first bill ever introduced into the City Council in 2007 to ban horse-drawn carriages…a bill that went nowhere in the Council because of the political cover afforded the industry by the Administration and Council Speaker.
Senator Avella has introduced the same bill into the state Senate. S5013 and A7748. The assembly bill was introduced by Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal who has also been invited to our rally. It is hoped to have a much better chance there. It will shut down this inhumane and unsafe industry in NYC.
We are calling the bill Bobby’s Bill after the NYC carriage horse we rescued from the kill floor of the New Holland live stock auctions in June 2010. Bobby II Freedom is now living a grand life at Equine Advocates’ Sanctuary in Chatham, NY. Bobby was a cast off from West Side Livery Stables.
Elizabeth Forel
Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages
Horses Without Carriages International
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Keith Olbermann Reports Occupy Wall Street Health Care March St. Vincent’s We Need A Hospital West Village
Suzannah Troy (that’s me) YouTube on Daily Kos! Yeah!
Reminder -- check this out for more on biggest White Collar Crimes EVER NYC gov. history and video footage from OWS St. Vincent’s and WellCare part of Health care march...
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Occupy Wall St. Joins St. Vincent's Timothy Lunceford Call NYC Gov Officials
Occupy Wall St. March St. Vincent's Speaker Christian PAPD delivered his...
WellCare Protestors Waiting for Occupy Wall Street to Join Them!!!! 5th Avenue
Occupy Wall Street Katie Robbins Speech St Vincent Health Care For All!
Occupy Wall Street joins St. Vincent's Protest! Hear that Rudin Family? We Need a Hospital!
Occupy Wall Street Protesting WellCare
Protestors waiting for Occupy Wall Street to join them in front of WellCare!
Health Care for All -- This wonderful group waiting for OWS to march from downtown to Empire Blue Cross to WellCare and than they joined us at St. Vincent’s!
Occupy Wall Street Health Insurance St Vincents Protest Press Release
New York, NY – Oct 26 – Activists from and allies of Occupy Wall Street will be marching to St. Vincent’s Hospital today to highlight the greed and corruption that lead to the hospital’s devastating closure in 2010. St. Vincent’s was a Catholic-run hospital, which had a charity mission to serve the under-insured and uninsured. St. Vincent’s lacked the corporate clout to negotiate fair reimbursement rates from profit-driven insurance companies, leading to financial instability. Moreover, the short-term focus of the highly-paid executives and consultants pushed St. Vincent’s into bankruptcy – leading to a public health emergency: there is now no hospital on the Westside below 57th Street. Two months ago, The New York Post reported that the Manhattan District Attorney was investigating whether hospital executives intentionally let St. Vincent’s fail, so that the Rudin Management Company could buy the hospital’s real estate as part of a controversial luxury condominium development project. (1) Rudin paid pennies on the dollar to buy the hospital’s real estate, and Rudin now stands to sell luxury condominiums and townhouses, once constructed, that are expected to have a combined fair-market value of over $1 billion.
“People can’t get the healthcare they need when they need it, precisely because of the corporate desire for making profits by denying healthcare coverage and access to sick patients,” states Dr. Elizabeth Rosenthal of Physicians for a National Health Program. “I have a health insurance plan with a $15,000 deductible. My family rations care all the time because we can’t afford the out-of-pockets costs,” explains Katie Robbins, supporter of Occupy Wall Street and member of Healthcare-NOW! NYC. “We have to get Wall Street out of our healthcare system.” Anger towards the Wall Street-controlled healthcare system inspired today’s march, which is set to also target Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield and WellCare. The march was initiated by a working group of Occupy Wall Street called Healthcare for the 99%, which is composed of healthcare workers and people who seek to end inequality in our healthcare system and our society. ### (1) WHEN: Wednesday, October 26, 3pm - 7pm WHERE: Starting at Liberty Square (Zuccotti Park), Broadway and Cedar MARCH DETAILS: Assemble 3pm at Liberty Square (corner of Bway and Cedar), Speak-out at 4pm 4:15pm – Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield / One Liberty Plaza ARRIVE 5:30pm - WellCare / 110 5th Ave 6pm – St Vincent’s Community Hospital / 12th St & 7th Ave
Bill Thompson on the MTA NY Post Are You Kidding Me? Why Thompson cannot be mayor just like Christine Quinn
Bill I voted for you rather than Mike Bloomberg but do not run for mayor and for the same reason you can’t be seriously giving advice....Richard Valcich’s whistle blowing letter has 2 names on each page of the letter he wrote Mark Huges of SAIC re: over billing and lateness CityTime in Feb. 2003 Mayor Mike Bloomberg and Comptroller Bill Thompson. Bill you allowed the Tax Payer’s Titanic to sink the tax payers and you allowed the pensions to be raided even okaying millions paid to consultants we should not have paid and you noted conflicts of interest but did not stop them. We need to beat Christine Quinn and we can’t have the primary split so Scott Stringer and Bill Thompson do not run. go to cheating culture and scroll down the letter written by head of office of payroll and at the bottom of each page you can see Bill Thompson’s name. Like Mike Bloomberg Bill Thompson failed hugely stopping the largest white collar crime ever NYC gov. history and rumor is ECTP bigger.
my SAIC mega post
See you at Union Square tonight
Monday, October 24, 2011
Azi Paybarah "Occupy Mike Bloomberg" Third Term Anniversary Protest

azipaybarah Azi Paybarah
oh, okay. protester yells "occupy mike bloomberg!"
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Mainstream Media Occupied Black Out Mayor Bloomberg Christine Quinn Protested from Occupy Wall Street to City Hall Term Limits 3rd Anniversary
The YouTube in the above link with Christian, a young African American man who tells us how Mike Bloomberg gave us hope only to betray that hope and refers to a school in Brooklyn the community petitioned for is now instead a juvenile center so where is the hope now? He was part of a small group that joined us from Occupy Wall Street to Occupy City Hall Park to protest October 23, 2008, Third Term Anniversary of Mayor Bloomberg and his mini-me to push through an illegal third term selling the lie we needed Mike to help us with the economy. He did not help us but made it worse for the middle class and poor New Yorkers.
At the end of the youtube I write a thank you to everyone that participated and supported us with a special thank you to civil rights lawyer Norman Siegel who is truly the People's Advocate. I also thank Det. Duffy Community Affairs and the NYPD for respecting our right to protest!
Louis Flores organizer of this protest -- on why we oppose the 3rd term....
note we our interviewed by Asian American and Hispanic Media outlets
BUT NO MAIN STREAM MEDIA is interested!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What does that say about the media and democracy?
Suzannah B. Troy with a small diverse group of Occupy Wall Street
marching from OWS to Occupy City Hall Park to protest 3rd year anniversary of Term Limits
and I SCREAM LUNGS OUT re: Bloomberg and Quinn
Bill Johnson Viet Nam Vet who walked me around Occupy Wall Street as I asked People to join us
and he explains why Mike Bloomberg has made Democracy a Fraud and I am sad to say at a press conference after Mike pushed
term limits through at City Hall Bill was forced to leave a public park for yelling at the mayor but Bill was sent to Viet Nam in theory
for the rights like protesting so I am glad today the NYPD were very respectful of us never even approaching us in the park.
The YouTube in the above link with Christian, a young African American man who tells us how Mike Bloomberg gave us hope only to betray that hope and refers to a school in Brooklyn the community petitioned for is now instead a juvenile center so where is the hope now? He was part of a small group that joined us from Occupy Wall Street to Occupy City Hall Park to protest October 23, 2008, Third Term Anniversary of Mayor Bloomberg and his mini-me to push through an illegal third term selling the lie we needed Mike to help us with the economy. He did not help us but made it worse for the middle class and poor New Yorkers.
At the end of the youtube I write a thank you to everyone that participated and supported us with a special thank you to civil rights lawyer Norman Siegel who is truly the People's Advocate. I also thank Det. Duffy Community Affairs and the NYPD for respecting our right to protest!
Louis Flores organizer of this protest -- on why we oppose the 3rd term....
note we our interviewed by Asian American and Hispanic Media outlets
BUT NO MAIN STREAM MEDIA is interested!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What does that say about the media and democracy?
Suzannah B. Troy with a small diverse group of Occupy Wall Street
marching from OWS to Occupy City Hall Park to protest 3rd year anniversary of Term Limits
and I SCREAM LUNGS OUT re: Bloomberg and Quinn
Bill Johnson Viet Nam Vet who walked me around Occupy Wall Street as I asked People to join us
and he explains why Mike Bloomberg has made Democracy a Fraud and I am sad to say at a press conference after Mike pushed
term limits through at City Hall Bill was forced to leave a public park for yelling at the mayor but Bill was sent to Viet Nam in theory
for the rights like protesting so I am glad today the NYPD were very respectful of us never even approaching us in the park.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Suzannah B. Troy Louis Flores: Mayor Bloomberg Christine Quinn Term Limits Anniversary Protest Tomorrow City Hall
Mike Bloomberg and his mini-me Christine Quinn flushed democracy down the toilet!
Come tomorrow Sunday, Oct. 23, 2PM City Hall park under 20 people -- over 20 we move to the side walk east side of City Hall by subway entrances and protest Bloomberg Quinn shoving through a 3rd term without the People of NYC voting!

Christine Quinn sold the lie we needed Mike Bloomberg for a 3rd term to help us with the economy.
Have they helped you with the economy ?
Bloomberg-Quinn Puppet Show :
Facebook Event :
Facebook Event :
Vote for Christine Quinn if YOU want mayor Bloomberg for a 4th Term from the Golf Course!
Christine Quinn is Mike Bloomberg’s mini-me!
October 22, 2011 – New York – Taxpayers and voters are gathering at City Hall Park on Sunday, Oct. 23, at 2 p.m., to commemorate the three-year anniversary of “The Day That Democracy Died” : when Speaker Christine Quinn strong-armed the City Council to extend term limits, allowing herself, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and others to run for a third term in office.
“Since they changed term limits, more people are living in poverty in New York City. Meanwhile, Mayor Bloomberg’s wealth has grown over three-fold while has been in office,” said Louis Flores. “With Christine Quinn’s help, Mayor Bloomberg has been laying off police, firefighters, and teachers ; closing senior citizen centers ; cutting childcare ; and closing hospitals – just basically shredding the social safety net. Also, how is Mayor Bloomberg allowed to make money from inside information through his new company called Bloomberg Government ?”
Protesters will hold a rally, make speeches, and distribute voter registration applications, so that Speaker Christine Quinn and other City Council Members, who passed the term limits extension, can be voted out of office in 2013.
October 22, 2011 – New York – Taxpayers and voters are gathering at City Hall Park on Sunday, Oct. 23, at 2 p.m., to commemorate the three-year anniversary of “The Day That Democracy Died” : when Speaker Christine Quinn strong-armed the City Council to extend term limits, allowing herself, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and others to run for a third term in office.
“Since they changed term limits, more people are living in poverty in New York City. Meanwhile, Mayor Bloomberg’s wealth has grown over three-fold while has been in office,” said Louis Flores. “With Christine Quinn’s help, Mayor Bloomberg has been laying off police, firefighters, and teachers ; closing senior citizen centers ; cutting childcare ; and closing hospitals – just basically shredding the social safety net. Also, how is Mayor Bloomberg allowed to make money from inside information through his new company called Bloomberg Government ?”
Protesters will hold a rally, make speeches, and distribute voter registration applications, so that Speaker Christine Quinn and other City Council Members, who passed the term limits extension, can be voted out of office in 2013.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Mayor Bloomberg Crook Says OWS get Permits Mr. Mosque Mike Bloomberg to violate Occupy Wall Street’s constitutional rights as well as human rights. Mike who committed perjury two weeks ago admits OWS peaceful to explain why OWS have been beaten, pepper sprayed and the NYPD tricking them in to a mass arrest leading them on to the Brooklyn Bridge. If the NYPD did not want them on the bridge why does the video show them being lead on to the bridge? Mike has violated their human rights and now Mike is going to go down for mass violation of constitutional rights for his corrupt Wall Street buddies protecting their mega-million dollar bonuses! This Sunday Sept. 23 marks 3 years ago Mike pushed through an illegal 3rd term with the help of his mini-me Christine Quinn a corrupt city council speaker that sold the lie we must have Mike to help us with the economy!
Did Mike and his mini-me Corrupt Christine Quinn help you? No but they and their pals grew richer as more New Yorkers fell in to poverty, homelessness, or were forced out of NYC!
Mike Bloomberg used slush payer money aka tax payer money and intimidation to push through a third term illegally done preventing us from voting on term limits! come sunday City Hall 2pm -- if under 20 people protest with us in the park -- if over 20 than East Side of City Hall by subway entrances.
Did Mike and his mini-me Corrupt Christine Quinn help you? No but they and their pals grew richer as more New Yorkers fell in to poverty, homelessness, or were forced out of NYC!
Mike Bloomberg used slush payer money aka tax payer money and intimidation to push through a third term illegally done preventing us from voting on term limits! come sunday City Hall 2pm -- if under 20 people protest with us in the park -- if over 20 than East Side of City Hall by subway entrances.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Clayton Patterson W/ Mayor Bloomberg Christine Quinn Mini-me Protest 3rd Term Anniversary Protest Sunday 2PM Poster on Famous Door

Posted the protest info East Village lower East Side to Occupy Wall Street...

Poster on garbage can!

If you look down to the right inside Blue Door Video you see my protest poster because under Mike Bloomberg Christine Quinn male and female “adult stores” were raided and in the male stores there were false arrests. Here at the Blue Door the 9th Precinct picked a super hottie NYPD officer to hit on an older man. I told the NYPD I will pay him for oral sex! Just joking of course!
Mae West is my idol! I know I have some mentally sick people obsessed with me and have serious sexual problems and no sense of humor so here is my letter on sexuality in The New York Times Arts and Leisure Sextion -- oops section!
A very powerful letter as true than as it is now.
Reminder we protest Sunday 2PM at City Hall Park if we are under 20....if we have Occupy Wall Street and over 20 we have to be outside on the sdiewalk near the subway entrances on East Side of City Hall to protest the 3rd year anniversary of Mayor Mike Bloomberg and his mini-me Christine Quinn flushing democracy down the toilet Oct. 23, 2008 selling the great lie we needed Mike to help us with the economy.
More People have fallen in to poverty and homelessness. Even more New Yorkers leave NY because they cannot afford NY.
Meanwhile Mike has made billions and Christine Quinn who was sued 3 times for back rent has moved into a million dollar plus condo with her wife who is making big bucks and is chauffered to parties courtesy of the tax payers with Christine Quinn. If Quinn spots protestors she hides behind her than girl friend or enters through back doors...not a leader but a liar and a coward.
Join us for a short peaceful protest Sunday!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Term Limits Anniversary Sunday 2PM in City Hall Park
On Oct. 23, 2008, City Council passed a law that extended term limits for Mayor Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn. Quinn herself strong-armed the change of law in a self-serving attempt to save her career after her slush fund scandal exploded across all of the city's newspapers.
We are gathering at City Hall Park on Sunday, Oct. 23, at 2 pm to mark the third anniversary of the "Day Democracy Died."
Activists will make speeches and pass out voter registration applications to help vote out the City Council members, who passed the term limits extension.
Louis Flores
We are gathering at City Hall Park on Sunday, Oct. 23, at 2 pm to mark the third anniversary of the "Day Democracy Died."
Activists will make speeches and pass out voter registration applications to help vote out the City Council members, who passed the term limits extension.
Louis Flores
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Mayor Bloomberg Cover-Up E. Village Water Main Breaks Sewage Infrastruct...
Suzannah Troy Artist Round-up: W. Village Protest Hospital! Bloomberg Perjury, How Much do We Pay Gartner, ECTP, NYCAPS
Monday, October 17, 2011
Haggerty Steals 1 Million Trial SAIC Steals 600 Million? Spherion 80 Million etc. No Trial?
heard on the street...rumblings....
Haggerty steals $1 million from Bloomberg, and there HAS to be a trial against Haggerty.
SAIC steels $600 million, but there is NO trial ???
Couple w/Baby Skull Fracture St. Vincent’s Closed! Emergency Protest Tonight W. Village We Need A Hospital!!!!!!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Giuseppi Logan Out of Hospital Tompkins Playing YouTube Documentary Series
His hip is broken. He is playing on a broken sax.....
If you can help him with money or any kind of support.
Thank you.
Peaceful Protest We Need A Hospital West Village
You are invited to participate in the enactment of a mass civilian trauma exercise on the sidewalk outside St. Vincent's Hospital.
Join community members as they plan to peacefully organise a field hospital on the sidewalks, form into make-shift blood donation lines, visualise what it would look like to set up alternative decontamination showers, help each other to tie on surgical masks to protect each other from air-bourne particles, and finally to think through what steps would need to be taken to request provisional mass casualty tents.
Some of the participants will ''not make it,'' because there is no Level 1 Trauma Center below 14th Street. And it probably takes ambulances over 30 minutes to respond to the Lower West Side of Manhattan, and then it would probably take another 30 minutes for ambulances to drive through busy cross-town traffic to any of the hospitals on the East Side. The ''survivors'' will have to figure out what to do with the “injured” participants.
Then, a team of survivors will walk over to Grace Church, 86 Fourth Ave., Tuttle Hall, to ask for help from Jason Mansfield, the chair of Manhattan Community Board 2's Environment, Public Safety & Public Health Committee.
Community Board 2 is about to approve the rezoning of St. Vincent's to allow the billionaire Rudin Family to convert the hospital into luxury condos. Community residents hope that this civilian trauma exercise will educate and mobilise the public to stop CB2 from approving the dangerous Rudin condo conversion plan for St. Vincent's Hospital.
The community's goal is to keep the real estate zoning intact, to attract new hospital investors to restore a full-service hospital at the former site of St. Vincent's.
Join community members as they plan to peacefully organise a field hospital on the sidewalks, form into make-shift blood donation lines, visualise what it would look like to set up alternative decontamination showers, help each other to tie on surgical masks to protect each other from air-bourne particles, and finally to think through what steps would need to be taken to request provisional mass casualty tents.
Some of the participants will ''not make it,'' because there is no Level 1 Trauma Center below 14th Street. And it probably takes ambulances over 30 minutes to respond to the Lower West Side of Manhattan, and then it would probably take another 30 minutes for ambulances to drive through busy cross-town traffic to any of the hospitals on the East Side. The ''survivors'' will have to figure out what to do with the “injured” participants.
Then, a team of survivors will walk over to Grace Church, 86 Fourth Ave., Tuttle Hall, to ask for help from Jason Mansfield, the chair of Manhattan Community Board 2's Environment, Public Safety & Public Health Committee.
Community Board 2 is about to approve the rezoning of St. Vincent's to allow the billionaire Rudin Family to convert the hospital into luxury condos. Community residents hope that this civilian trauma exercise will educate and mobilise the public to stop CB2 from approving the dangerous Rudin condo conversion plan for St. Vincent's Hospital.
The community's goal is to keep the real estate zoning intact, to attract new hospital investors to restore a full-service hospital at the former site of St. Vincent's.
Mayor Bloomberg Cover-Ups Occupy Wall Street to NYPD Rape Cop Heroin (Heathers Bar)
Go to my blogs read and or google topics I talk about. Why is the bar that gave the video of Rape Cops threatened with closure but not Webster Hall with stabbings and I heard even shootings? Occupy Wall Street stepped in billions when they picked that park! Not news worthy.
Heathers I just found out Heathers is going to get to keep her license but shame on CB3.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Occupy Wall Street The New York Times Show Down - Can I get Past NY Time Censors? Suzannah B. Troy Artist
What is not mentioned is mayor Bloomberg’s significant other is on the board of that park! The protestors face arrest but the mayor does not have to worry about arrest even though he perjured himself in court. The Manhattan DA, Cy Vance gave Team Bloomberg immunity but perjury is not covered by immunity. Mike Bloomberg, team Bloomberg and Christine Quinn are part of a larger percentage than 1 percent above the law. (I know the NY Time censors won’t allow this free speech which is not rude or dishonest so I will post on all my blogs to underscore The NY Times censorship is alive and well.)
Wow the new york times approved my comment and I already go two thumbs up.
Suzannah B. Troy
New York
October 13th, 2011
10:51 pm
What is not mentioned is mayor Bloomberg’s significant other is on the board of that park! The protestors face arrest but the mayor does not have to worry about arrest even though he perjured himself in court. The Manhattan DA, Cy Vance gave Team Bloomberg immunity but perjury is not covered by immunity. Mike Bloomberg, team Bloomberg and Christine Quinn are part of a larger percentage than 1 percent above the law. (I know the NY Time censors won’t allow this free speech which is not rude or dishonest so I will post on all my blogs to underscore The NY Times censorship is alive and well.)
Recommend Recommended by 2 Readers
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Michael Lytle Music Saturday!
Come by on Saturday to Perez Square for a couple hours (1to3)? Would be great to see you!
Michael Lytle
elewhale works
Michael Lytle
elewhale works
Monday, October 10, 2011
St. Vincent's Hospital - Rudin Family #OccupyCB2 - YouTube Documentary V...
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Occupy Wall Street Washington Square Park FANTASTIC!!!!
Thank goodness! No room for NYU students!!! If Occupy Wall Street knew the corrupt greedy “improvements” brokered by NYU, Mike Bloomberg to “improve Washington Square park -- wasting millions to move a fountain a few feet and ripped out old trees so NYU can continue to turn out the public for their private graduations. I prefer Occupy Wall Street any day to NYU turning the public out of a public park, ripping out ancient trees for their picture perfect graduation photos. The money could have gone to parks in poor neighborhoods and FYI John Sexton pres of NYU aka the evil empire ran down to testify Mike Bloomberg must have a 3rd term and he all all the vile creeps that want to protect their real estate and financial bets want Christine Quinn in so Mike can have a 4th term!
Just a reminder Mike’s city planner an evil shrew mega-millionaire socialite Amanda the People’s Burden and she and Mike are responsible for the most mass displacement and for the largest exodus of people here since the Native Americans. Eminent domain abuse -- Columbia University the entire neighborhood of Manhattanville and ex mayor David Dinkins was purchased along with the illegal land grab - another sell-out, eminent domain abuse -- Brooklyn -- a Russian billionaire via eminent domain abuse owns a huge chunk of Brooklyn, Willet’s Point, etc. NY Times building eminent domain abuse and their stupid greed bankrupted them so now a Mexican billionaire owns a huge chunk of the NYTimes! Cooper Union has been allowed to do some serious illegal zone busting buildings thanks to Amanda the People’s Burden. Even Rudy’s city planner said no to Cooper Union, NYU jr. NYU mega dormed the East Village to death and than came mega hotels and sky piercing condos!
Like Wall Street greed, NYC real estate and NY gov from Albany to City Hall greed and stupidity rules -- The White House as well which is why we have a 17? trillion dollar deficit and China owns a huge part of our debt!
Like Wall Street greed, NYC real estate and NY gov from Albany to City Hall greed and stupidity rules -- The White House as well which is why we have a 17? trillion dollar deficit and China owns a huge part of our debt!
Occupy Wall Street Washington Square Park FANTASTIC!!!!
Thank goodness! No room for NYU students!!! If Occupy Wall Street knew the corrupt greedy “improvements” brokered by NYU, Mike Bloomberg to “improve Washington Square park -- wasting millions to move a fountain a few feet and ripped out old trees so NYU can continue to turn out the public for their private graduations. I prefer Occupy Wall Street any day to NYU turning the public out of a public park, ripping out ancient trees for their picture perfect graduation photos. The money could have gone to parks in poor neighborhoods and FYI John Sexton pres of NYU aka the evil empire ran down to testify Mike Bloomberg must have a 3rd term and he all all the vile creeps that want to protect their real estate and financial bets want Christine Quinn in so Mike can have a 4th term!
Just a reminder Mike’s city planner an evil shrew mega-millionaire socialite Amanda the People’s Burden and she and Mike are responsible for the most mass displacement and for the largest exodus of people here since the Native Americans. Eminent domain abuse -- Columbia University the entire neighborhood of Manhattanville and ex mayor David Dinkins was purchased along with the illegal land grab - another sell-out, eminent domain abuse -- Brooklyn -- a Russian billionaire via eminent domain abuse owns a huge chunk of Brooklyn, Willet’s Point, etc. NY Times building eminent domain abuse and their stupid greed bankrupted them so now a Mexican billionaire owns a huge chunk of the NYTimes! Cooper Union has been allowed to do some serious illegal zone busting buildings thanks to Amanda the People’s Burden. Even Rudy’s city planner said no to Cooper Union, NYU jr. NYU mega dormed the East Village to death and than came mega hotels and sky piercing condos!
Like Wall Street greed, NYC real estate and NY gov from Albany to City Hall greed and stupidity rules -- The White House as well which is why we have a 17? trillion dollar deficit and China owns a huge part of our debt!
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Occupy Wall Street Liberty Square
#ows Second General Assembly Of Manhattan Meets At 3PM In Washington Square Park - Anti-Flag To Play Set In Solidarity at Liberty Square
Posted Oct. 8, 2011, 1:30 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
#ows is growing. We will be in a thousand cities in this country by the end of the month - hundreds of cities in other countries. We will see General Assemblies on six continents.
Liberty Square has grown exponentially over the last three weeks. It is time to form a second General Assembly in Manhattan. We expect more to follow.
On October eighth at three in the afternoon a General Assembly will convene in Washington Square Park. At the same time Anti-Flag will play an acoustic set in Liberty Square in solidarity with our movement's expansion.
We are growing. Block by block – city by city. We will see change in this country, in this world. It will happen sooner than you can imagine.
Liberty Square has grown exponentially over the last three weeks. It is time to form a second General Assembly in Manhattan. We expect more to follow.
On October eighth at three in the afternoon a General Assembly will convene in Washington Square Park. At the same time Anti-Flag will play an acoustic set in Liberty Square in solidarity with our movement's expansion.
We are growing. Block by block – city by city. We will see change in this country, in this world. It will happen sooner than you can imagine.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Bloomberg Haggerty Trial Connelly Testimony A Joke Like CityTime Simple Math! by Suzannah Troy Artist
Laughable how full of crap these people are. Yeah right. This was like CityTime and SAIC, TechnoDyne, Spherion and the majority of sub-contractors and oh yeah Gartner doing quality control on Spherion doing quality control on SAIC CityTime! Simple math proves they are full of crap....There was no way in hell Haggerty could have spent 1.1 million dollars in 24 hours and either could Paris Hilton if she worked for Mike Bloomberg. No one reported this as a crime or did squat until The NY Post exposed Haggerty and why? Cy Vance was forced to do his job although Cy Vance is proving to be a big time failure giving immunity to Mike Bloomberg and his staff and letting the NYPD Rape Cop HEROIN be rolled in to a sentence year -- are you kidding me? So Cy Vance decided to do his job and Connolly rolls over in faced by some threat from Vance? I am just wondering because it wasn’t like Connolly or Mike Bloomberg ran to the NYPD or called Cy Vance’s Public Integrity Hotline which I did to report Bloomberg and Quinn. The Public Integrity Hotline for the Attorney General and Manhattan DA should just have an automatic recording Mike Bloomberg and his staff and Christine Quinn and her staff have immunity and are above the law and so is the DA. The AG Public Integrity refuses to investigate Cy Vances handling of the NYPD rape cop heroin.
Mike knew Haggerty could not spend 1.1 million dollars in a day and Mike did not care....Mike’s attitude was keep the change and Haggerty did. Mike never asked for the money back.
Google Fiona Reid and Steve Rattner. Mike stood by Steve and so did the owner of the NY Times giving Rattner an op ed piece in the NYTimes after pleading the 5th amendment 62 times. Well if Dennis Vacco and Raymond Costello called Steve Rattner and asked him about his amoral activities and how Mike Bloomberg stood by him and even got him on Charlie Rose who Mike owns like a ken doll -- than Vacco Costello could highlight how this goes on all the time and Mike could care less and is careless with tax payer money, NY Pension like Rattner raid them -- his own money manager and did not want any money back from Haggerty.
WHY OH WHY DOES MIKE BLOOMBERG, PATRICIA HARRIS, KEVIN SHEEKEY, FIONA REID, ALLISON JAFFIN NEED IMMUNITY? If they are innocent why not waive their immunity? Vacco and Costello need to point that out to juries and than ask jurors in the closing argument if you had your car stolen, cash stolen, wouldn’t you go to the police? Yes but Mike Bloomberg did not. Mike never asked for the money back because he did not want it back. It was like this -- keep the change for doing my dirty, dirty work.
Mike funneled money to Haggerty the election before via the Republican Party.
Mike is the king of funneling money and look how he found countless creative ways to pay Team Bloomberg including NYC gov., money for working on his charity, money for working at his private empire, money for Allison Jaffin who also got money from NYC gov and charity from a dummy company that the NY Post exposed! And Wolfson a slimy campaign operative along with other low life campaign scum who helped pushed through an illegal third term all got 6 figure salaries courtesy of the tax payers -- as well as lavish salaries and perks courtesy of Bloomberg’s campaign...and how many were driven around courtesy of the tax payers like Pat Harris while working on Mike’s charity.
Dennis Vacco and Raymond Costello need to tell the jury that the DA has the wrong guy here and the guy that should be prosecuted and his staff all have immunity and include corrupt Christine Quinn who pushed through a third term with Mike using slush and intimidation along with Mike Bloomberg.
p.s. US Attorney gave Christine Quinn and staff unofficially immunity on slush fund investigation and made it go away not taking note of the face Quinn has not filled a watch dog position in slush in 2 years which is about how long US Attorney stalled investigation they would flush down the toilet like Bloomberg and Quinn flushed democracy down the toilet. Bloomberg Quinn used slush and intimidation to push thru 3rd term.
- Elaine Leirer · Top Commenterand Connelly just wrote these checks to Haggerty all by himself and didn't get the approval of party chairman Frank Mackay......give me a break.....and Sheeky didn't tell him that the money was for Haggerty.......give me a double break.....and the rules about housekeeping miney not being for candidates are confusing.......give me a triple break...they all are in this together and Mackay is hiding under his wife's skirt.
- Elaine Leirer · Top Commenterand we are forgetting...Connelly got a piece of the action......
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