Now DSK’s victim will have to sue.
What is the excuse Cy Vance for not going after the NYPD rape cop for heroin. Besides raping a drunk woman because in the State of NY if you are drunk you cannot consent, the rape cop stole heroin and hid it in his locker. Why would he do that? If he was sex obsessed to stalk a pretty drunk woman through-out the night why not steal heroin and use it to get some form of sex from heroin addict?
Reminder The Village Voice exposed Rape Cops Moreno and Mata roughing up and harassing a young articulate woman. Moreno called her the “c” word. Read the story and an unnamed cop, maybe Moreno or a pal of his calls his superior officer, a woman Lt. the C word for her reprimanding him for being late which was reported in The NY Post.
Rape is up in NYC and under reported in NYC. Let’s as Cy Vance, Joe Hell Bound Tacopina, Chad Venus Fly Trap Seigel and Judge Greg Carro if they have any idea why? Tacopina and Seigel put the NYPD rape victim on trial and did everything but actually accuse her of rape.
Joe Tacopina made a big stink about the NYPD rape vicitm walking drunk on her own steam but so did Imette St. Guillen who’s Mom made a bad choice hiring Joe to represent the family. Imette walked out of a bar on her own steam and she was kidnapped, taken advantage of like the NYPD rape cop victim because she was drunk and worse she wast tortured and murdered, than dumped like garbage.
Jennifer Moore under age drinking in Chelsea walked out of a bar on her own....she was also raped, tortured, murdered and thrown away like garbage.
Laura Garza walked out of a bar in Chelsea under her own steam. I believe she was also raped and murdered and also thrown away like garbage and carefully hidden. The prime suspect is the man she walked away with when she left the Chelsea club.
Joe Tacopina some how got the heroin thrown out. How? Joe got a jury unwilling to send the rape cops to jail for rape, breaking and entering, stalking, robbery and making a fake 911 call. Joe said they are educated and I say Joe the men that made Wall St. imploded and brought us the mortgage meltdown, the men that destroyed AIG have college degrees from the best Universities in our country so what.
Judge Carro will probably let them walk because Tacopina is asking for a mis-trial. The head of the sex crime unit talked about the case in a HBO documentary and never shared that with the defense so Joe is asking for a mistrial. We can’t forget the miscarriage of Justice and folks are wondering is Cy Vance is going to prosecute the NYPD rape cop for the heroin he stole and hid in his locker.
Moreno appears to have had some bad habits and one is helping himself to what ever he was confident he could get away with from heroin, a drunk woman’s keys to sex and Moreno is married, wife no. 2.