Evidence NYPD Police Commissioner O'Neill Protecting Crimes My Case


There are YouTube of me confronting O'Neill and his former boss Bratton about a C#nt to turn the tables on me and they are not surprised at all - there are no Sherlock Holmes they're not interested in getting to the truth or Justice they are committed to covering up Crimes? Three police commissioners have protected crimes in my case a pile up of crimes from a doctors office to a the First Precinct w/ Internal Affairs protection like internal Affairs protected Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy and others! YouTube of me confronting Sheldon Silver two years before he's arrested. YouTube of me confronting the corrupt misogynist racist dirty DA Cy Vance years before he is outed for pay to play violence, sex assaults, Rape....etc.

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
⁦‪@NYPDONeill‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDChiefofDept‬⁩⁦‪@NYPDFIRSTDEP‬⁩ ⁦‪@TheIACP‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDnews‬⁩⁦‪@NYPDDetectives‬⁩ ⁦‪@MjrCitiesChiefs‬⁩⁦‪@NYPDChiefPatrol‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYCPBA‬⁩⁦‪@MarcSantia4NY‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDCT‬⁩youtu.be/syrc3ncHFTI ask PC O’Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly, Pulaski, Boyce, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon about audio Sgt Chen PO Magori prevent me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint lying I am not from DA or a det. so I am not allowed to report the crime! #NYPD Lies!

2020 http://misogynistnyc.blogspot.com/2015/03/racism-misogyny-dumbcuntlives-matter.html?m=1

After all these years I finally found something I didn't know I had a photograph of the tweet that may be from NYPD or someone connected to the NYPD a racist misogynist telling me my life doesn't matter and I got what I deserved because I defend Black People!

NYPD Coerced me to drop charges or go to jail with a hole in my retina Saturday arrest for Dr Fagelman's savagely violent receptionist Delita's running punch to my eye grabbing my hair trying to drag me down the hall by my hair damaging my neck not fired or arrested I agreed to false arrest Oct 16 immediate than Det John Vergona changed my false arrest date to Saturday oct. 20, 2012 4PM IAB let him and his supervisor retire! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE I am alleging fix, favors and retaliation -- please look at the first page -- it mentions HP tied to 911 Tech corruption as well as mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly free rides Air Bloomberg....http://www.scribd.com/doc/188752042/NYPD-Commissioner-Ray-Kelly-Charles-Campisi-DI-Ed-Winski-Lt-Agnes-Lt-Angelo-Burgos-IAB-Sgt-Mary-O-Donnell-Sgt-Chen-Det-Andy-Dwyer-Det-John-Ve

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Edward M. Fogarty, Jr., Lawyer at Litchfield Cavo Perjury OK in Delita Hooks Depo?

Edward M. Fogarty, Jr., Lawyer at Litchfield Cavo perjury ok  in Delita Hooks Depo? Is perjury ok? No big deal everyone does it said the NYPD legals are Larry BRYNE to judge Weinstein, who didn't agree? Larry had an NYPD brother that was murdered and that is unacceptable and tragic but it doesn't justify the head legal boss at the NYPD attempting to justify the unjustifiable and I believe he also has an FBI brother I'd like to know about the lawyers involved in cheat , lying and winning if they have connections relations to corporation council, NYPD, or FBI? 

Note, I found an ethical complaint against Joe TACOPINA alleging he used a fake account on YouTube during open investigation, warning, retaliation, possibly drafting a letter that's similar, threatening me to the attention of detective Andrew Dwyer DELITA Hooks submitted, but was withheld from me to protect and get another crime, so why are they protecting so many crimes? Why would they...? 

You can read below about why I question his ethics and what happened but I want to ask other questions if I could about him and his fellow partners that is Law Firm why they would feel strongly about him going out of his way to represent Delita Hooks after see this?

suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy)
Cuomo Ban Single-Use Styrofoam? nystateofpolitics.com/2019/12/cuomo-… Rojika Antanesian, James Toomey Violence Styrofoam cups ok w/ Travelers Group?Rajika offered Delita Hooks styrofoam cup both waved cups at me like FU! nyciloveyoubigtime.blogspot.com/2019/07/rojika… Dr F laughed re:styrofoam youtu.be/dh9TedhfthE

Ed FOGARTY didn't like me shaking my head when his client was committing perjury but he had no problem with her taking a Styrofoam cup and waving in my direction during a deposition -- as closest possible to giving me a finger in a deposition (a real FU) after she just admitted to giving me the finger three times before punching a hole in my retina oh she also admitted to saying she was gonna slap the shit out of my ass! 

Ed was silent when his client with the TRAVELERS  group Lawyer viciously VIOLENTLY MOCKINGLY and cruelly waved  Styrofoam cups at me like a big F you confident the judge will never be told and the judge would protect ultimately the fact that the doctor knew she was volatile and a libality  why not lie why not chastise the victim for shaking her head why not protect even more abuse in a deposition including violently waving a Styrofoam cup of the victim to make fun of the victim for asking would you consider paper instead of Styrofoam it's better for mother Earth...

Suzannah Troy
Lawsuit re: NYPD culture rape, sodomy, sexual harassment!Travelers James Toomey appointed Rajika to join Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks mock me the violence #patient rights VIOLATED.1 concern re-appeal my lawsuit against NYPD? DrF bragged trusts NYPD investigate nypost.com/2021/06/15/sui…
6/16/21, 10:20 AM


Delita Hooks said She got my name from social media really when she's trying to continue her medicine and stalking  of me?

I believe that shows she took her stalking of me from behind the desk to the World Wide Web and the first person to contact me and her behalf was a John but it went on and on and on, because so many powerful people were willing to protect the crimes committed at a doctors office, and the many crimes following hoping I'd give up, so why not commit perjury why not protect perjury, cheating, lying and winning because apparently my life has no value, but there's more to this why do these people think they can do anything make a mockery of a judge the law why would they do this? How do they live with themselves?

 Clear to me why she lied about only remembering me being at the office one time. 
   I'm very very concerned and I'd really like answers I'm really concerned that lawyers in New York city in New York State have really overstepped a line and we see it in the Harvey Weinstein case and I'm questioning whether something like that is going on in my case? 

I don't understand legal proceedings but if Ed FOGARTY his client Delita Hooks has an appointment-- didn't Ed Fogerty  have an obligation to tell us and the judge and the clerk or somebody involved in the legal proceedings before or at the beginning of the deposition on the record ?

Ed FOGARTY was more than tardy sharing Delita Hooks had an appointment --- he

waited until after his client Delita Hooks committed perjury over and over and he's reprimanded me for shaking my head because she's lying but yet he's silent about her getting up in the middle of a deposition and throwing yourself up against the wall and suddenly he remembers she has an appointment and he hast to stop the deposition?

I would like to see documentation of the appointment Delita Hooks had.

https://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2020/11/my-civil-rights-human-rights-patient.html My patient rights my human rights violated my body violated and in travelers group offices I was mocked and terribly abused by travelers lawyer Rajika Antanesian appointed by James Toomey the doctor and his employee IN TRAVELERS OFFICES!!!! They did refrain from actually hitting me unlike the doctors office but it was extremely abusive and travelers did have one concern was I going to re-appeal my lawsuit against the NYPD not about me my body my patient rights violated her perjury but was I going to re-appeal my lawsuit against the the NYPD (who Dr Andrew Fagelman bragged smirked he TRUSTED to investigate and admit it he did not investigate and that's OK with travelers group?  

Ask Ed Forgerty JR about his objecting to my shaking my head while his client Delita Hooks committed perjury like lying we were alone when we were never alone or that I followed her when in fact she stalked me as she repeatedly Violated my Patient Rights beginning with yelling at me that I have no rights! by the way don't I have a basic human right to go to the doctors and not be yelled at that I have no rights and half my body violated and don't I have basic rights and civil rights to not be finally threatened with the arrest by NYPD unless I drop charges?

 Ed Fogerty was silent as his client Delita Hooks threw her self against the wall and also violently waved a Styrofoam cup at me with Travelers group lawyer Rajika; both Rajika and Delita sadistically smirking at me

CRUELLY SMIRKING  I guess that's what  traveler groups is really about that's their ethics, integrity  and values?

Before lying in depositions the lies were posted on yelp and YouTube.

I don't have justice if I go after the doctor and his employee for perjury is it just gonna be more years of my life with more obstruction of justice and judges that are going to make sure I don't have Justice? 

Do I have to wait for Lance Armstrong like event? 

I didn't "doctor" that YouTube but I wonder if they have or did doctor anything so I don't trust anything and if they gave me documentation I would need cross-reference and people involved in the appointment or appointments to testify under oath with an explanation that perjury is a crime. 

I'd like to know who came up with that idea because prince Andrew also a liar use that and it didn't go over well.  

I'm so sick of people being above the law like their pedophile priests!

Lance Armstrong committed perjury and he only went on Oprah when the statute of limitation ran out on perjury.  He won by cheating he won by committing perjury but despite the statute running out I believe he had to reimburse his victims and pay damages? I don't know but I think so. 

So it seems like Victims have a waiting game for me at seven years and anyone who thinks ha ha we beat her we got away with it should know however many years it takes and I hope to get to the truth why would people pylon and protect such horrific wrongdoing and to what lengths they went to?

It's just shocking that Lisa Bloom offered to go online to cause even more harm and suffering to Harvey Weinstein's victims because she knows how vulnerable these types are so I'm wondering what went on behind the scenes in my case and if any retired government employees are currently employed government employees who obstructed justice in my case who lied and legal proceedings in my case volunteered to help travelers group? 

Harvey Weinstein hired former Mossad aka Black Cube and a lawyer brokered that a lawyer that now also represents Epstein victim so maybe we really need to scrutinize what's going on with lawyers and their goal to harm victims? I would really like Ed FOGARTY to be questioned about Delita Hooks appointment and more re the depo in a legal proceeding but that's just me a victim of violence of lies and it's over seven years and it seems like more evil people join in what appears to me to be more unethical bad behavior and I don't have justice and I've heard all kinds of excuses and lies and I really hope there's accountability however long I have to wait it could be decades and the more people that join in I want them held accountable as well I want them questions about how they came to do what they did and why?

FYI after what in my opinion  was abuse Ed insisted on holding the door open for me... Please don't trust this man in my opinion he is just as awful as everyone involved in making sure there's a wall around the justice system in my opinion and please excuse me but I was violated at a doctors my patient right I was humiliated and then a running punched my head my head shaking a whole bunch of gaslighting and lying online some of it came right into the deposition only for my attacker to finally tell a few truths.

If investigators ever are able to come in and find out anything I'd like to know how this all came to be and why Delita Hooks is still there and why would travelers group wants to protect the doctor Dr Andrew Fagelman who's unethical who had no guidelines and why  travelers group lawyer and the doctor Dr Andrew Fagelman would be so mocking make a mockery of violence and violating a patient and patient rights why that's so funny along with Styrofoam? 

Can you understand why I find myself using the word evil?

Edward M. Fogarty, Jr., Lawyer at Litchfield Cavo LLP | LawyerDB.org

I'm entitled to opinion right? Here's my opinion:

Ed Fogerty Junior is a corrupt unethical dirty lawyer who's pro violence towards women pro polluting the planet pro marking and denigrating a victim of violence me and discriminated against me and here's why I think so.

Here's why I think he lied... in my opinion and this is an opinion blog blogs or like journals apparently as well I believe Ed Fogarty jr is a liar -- if my attack or a violent liar or perjurer who committed perjury left and right in front of him -- his client -- You know it's interesting Joe Tacopina took a proffer  agreement and turned on his client former police commissioner Bernie Kerik -- so excuse me for wishing federal investigators quick question Ed, James Toomey, Rajika and corporate counsel lawyers everyone involved in making sure I didn't have justice..

But I wouldn't of won any proffer  agreements I want action taken I want justice --

Ed Forgarty jr did not tell us my attacker Delita Hooks had an appointment to go to so he would have to end the deposition early.

Why didn't he state this in the beginning?

I believe he's a sexist misogynist that discriminated against me and here's why.

I was shaking my head as his client committed perjury over and over and he started mouthing a word to me.

I would like to ask his partner lawyers at his law firm are you allowed to communicate with the victim by mouthing words to her?

He didn't admonish his client Delita Hooks for getting up in the middle of a deposition and throwing herself against the wall lying and stating I did that.

The great news was that my attacker admitted many things including what we see in the video so that terrible evil lie that was posted on yelp and that travelers group lawyer also tried I called the prince Andrew questioning me on whether I doctored the video when I did not -- is now under scored by the woman who punched a hole in my retina violated my patient rights and I allege  stole note I wrote my doctor and gained access to my name.

Why would Delita Hooks and Dr Fagelman commit perjury so much and so blatantly because they have powerful lawyers that have no integrity in my opinion from my experience willing to protect them that were so evil and inappropriate that they allowed a mockery of me the violence and Styrofoam which is killing the oceans and sea life....

Ed FOGARTY Target in me for shaking my head because his client was openly committing perjury but he didn't say a word when his client took a Styrofoam cup and waved at me as close to giving me a finger yet again yeah she admitted to giving me the finger three times before she hit me.

I would want federal investigators to ask him if he and Travis group along with others came up with some of the lies that were in the deposition for instants that I followed her down the hallway when I never followed her down the hallway and she and I were never alone.

The bathroom keys there's no doubt she got those keys to come after me.

The mockery of me and the toilet.

Delita Hooks lied about only remembering me once that she wouldn't want to tell the truth the first time I ever went there I did not tell her my name but say I am here to see Dr Vine that I have a medical condition a ton of fibroid tumors that make me feel like I'm pregnant with twins and I desperately need the toilet.

So was it crafted many lies that she was not a receptionist or an office manager when her LinkedIn page said she was an office manager and an interview says even more but let's get back to Ed FOGARTY jr.

I don't have a Lotta grease so I guess there's no way for investigators to question him and unethical behavior but I'm alleging he is guilty or party to I'd like to also know if his lawn Forssman in the family any NYPD any family members that work for the city of New York or the state of New York anybody that works for let's say the FBI or federal government agencies?

Ditto travelers group why was there a lawyer concerned I might re-appeal my lawsuit against the.Ditto travelers group why was their lawyer concerned I might re-appeal my lawsuit against the NYPD

How did Ed come to be involved in this?

In my opinion he's an evil evil person posing as a nice guy the same with Rajika and James Toomey.

I also don't understand the judge and it makes me think that the judges are like the judges in the film spotlight that there was a wall around the justice system for people like me. For instance I can prove the yelp review from three years before I saw it it was real because I communicated with the person but the people that were posting lies The goal to protect this evil Unremorseful doctor and his evil employee yes I'm a victim of them what they've done to me is evil so I do feel that there are evil in my opinion -- so a fake account on yelp said I doctored the video when I didn't I just can't believe prince Andrew try that same lie...

Delita Hooks confirms in the deposition that what you see in the video is the truth.

Amazing she lied so much but occasionally she and her boss when they told the truth proved how guilty.

So why would the judge prevent me from proving that yelp review is real?

I really want to go after these people for perjury and the lawyers for ethical issues and if there's anyone that has information about Ed please contact me the same for the other lawyers and Dr F and Delita Hooks -- any one involved it would be also great to do class action lawsuits enough is enough.


Edward M. Fogarty, Jr., Lawyer at Litchfield Cavo Lied in Delita Hooks Depo?


Edward M Fogarty Jr how did he come to represent Perjurer Delita Hooks at Travelers. Ed took issue w/ me shaking my head as she committed perjury but SILENT when she threw herself against a wall, DH w/ #Travelerslawyer waved styrofoam cups at me an FU litchfieldcavo.com/attorneys/edwa…

It's all involved in cheating to win lying obstructing justice they don't think they've done anything wrong as I continue year after year to fight for justice and get even more evidence and they won't mind me praying every day that they get their karma on this earth that they get a taste of their own evil Medicine and what they did to me may come back to haunt them but I prefer Justice accountability apologies and also arrests plus financial compensation for all the years that I was denied just justice and every court where they lied cheated


Thursday, November 28, 2019

Corey Johnson NYC Speaker City Hall Pushes Graciousness Signal protect Crimes protect abuse horror crimes pushes Polite Cover-ups aka gracious?

I'm very concerned about Coreys be gracious does he mean if we are sexually assaulted violated violently  threatened that we should be gracious that we should be silent including of those that are enabler's inside city government? Before became a victim of violence terrible violation threats gaslighting and the city of New York protected all crimes I blew a whistle on a fake NYPD parking placard inside An SUV parked illegally in the Mercer hotel loading in unloading that hotel was owned at the time by Andre Jeffrey Epstein's good friend who stepped up and said he was having a relationship with the Australian Prime Minister. The DA asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status -- The NYPD told Jeffrey he could ignore a judge the judge is court-appointed sex offender check inns in there been no rest and no accountability about how that happened why it happened and we could remedy this by not being gracious maybe stop even more violence more rapes more sexual assault more DA and NYPD wrongdoing but it will require someone at City Hall to call an emergency hearing about our cases and EricGarner under Michael Bloomberg said he was sexually assaulted by NYPD who planted drugs on him after an illegal stop and frisk he wrote his hand written lawsuit from Rikers he said that NYPD told him the parks department should not employ him when a gang of cops pulled him over in their SUV and what did I have to look forward to at the precinct after I was violated at a doctor being raped or sexually assaulted more crimes fabricated because they're above the law they broke laws in my case fabricated police reports violently threatening me including over the phone which I believe threatening someone over the phone and threatening them with arrest unless they drop charges includes 0 arrests ...
#justice It really saddens me about Cory and what he said I'm afraid his signaling that we need to be silent when we have people in positions of power abusing us like his predecessors protecting horrific  crimes/enablers/ or taking part in crimes but Teflon?

It was so disappointing and shocking he mention people that I've blocked me on Twitter that don't believe in the first amendment that would be in jail if they weren't connected that act like they're doing their job but in actuality they're enabler's?

Friday, November 22, 2019

Unocup my support my response Travelers Group Abuse Mockery Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies Styrofoam cups waved at me law offices mock a hole punched in my retina for asking would u consider paper cups instead of Styrofoam better for Mother Earth

suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy)
I support Unocup the no-lid foldable paper — Kickstarter! I'm a victim of violence Delita Hooks beat down after I suggested paper instead of styrofoam cups. VILE Unethical Travelers Group lawyer styrofoam cups office mocking violence at Dr Andrew Fagelman kickstarter.com/projects/unocu…
Google Dr Fagelman assault youtube.  You'll see YouTube from over seven years ago where I had asked before the video starts would you consider paper cups instead of Styrofoam. Delita Hooks slam the counter yelled at me that I was nothing that I had no rights. She and her boss committed perjury and travelers group at their offices the travelers group lawyer stack Styrofoam cups up behind the doctor and handed one to the woman who punched a hole in my retina the lawyer for travelers group hands of the cup to my attacker and they both wave the cups at me mocking me like FU. I'm really stand the travelers group with mock violence and the fact that polluting our planet killing sea life our oceans our planet is a big joke. Clearly Travelers Group James Toomey we're sending a message that violence towards women even in a doctors office is OK including the ocean and killing our ocean our planet and see life is a big joke that's what I believe in my opinion -- that's why I want to support this project and encourage others to

James Toomey should be fired and travelers group board owes me an apology. I haven't gotten apologies so it seems that travelers group does support violence and polluting the ocean and even the violence that went on in their law offices in their building because again I'm waiting for an apology from the board and that they fire the lawyers involved in this abuse!

Rajika A and her Boss James Toomey Represent how unethical an evil they are Travellers group is the traverse group has no ethics that they think violence towards women even in the place is sacred as a medical office where my patient rights were violated where I was menaced from behind the reception desk and travelers group I a ledge is about winning at all costs even maliciously committing perjury and I believe that their lawyers were involved and sculpting that perjury with Ed Fogerty Junior in my opinion. represent how unethical and evil they are travelers group is the traverse group has no ethics that they think violence towards women even in the place is sacred as a medical office where my patient rights were violated where I was menaced from behind a reception desk and travelers group I allege  is about winning at all costs even maliciously committing perjury and I believe that their lawyers were involved in sculpting that perjury with Ed Fogerty Junior in my opinion because they are about winning and making a mockery of violence destroying our planet with Styrofoam is a big joke I didn't see Ed Fogerty Junior tell his client not to take the Styrofoam cup from the traveler scoop lawyer and wave it at me violently and mark me so he seems like he supports violence towards women and polluting our planet to the point of killing see life in our ocean and our environment along with travelers group I'm going to guess that Rajika when I have her way to purchase the Styrofoam cups she seem to be quite a sadist a vicious violent unprofessional lawyer who waved that Styrofoam cup at me like it's a joke and she hands one to the woman who punched a hole in my retina and she knew that I was assaulted and threatened on the property of her client and she had no problem with him committing perjury in my opinion

It's amazing to me the city of New York city Council ban  Styrofoam cups But the city of New York cross the ethical lines as well and I'm looking for a way to re-open my lawsuit or start a new one including and see NYPD for their role in these abuses but the NYPD join the doctors office in the Go to a erase all crimes.

People from all different backgrounds tell me there's a higher court and they will get theirs what goes around comes around I do believe in karma and All these evil people will get there just desserts Karma pie!

I really want to support this paper cup project. 

Friday, November 15, 2019

Marty Kunkis Loving Heart RIP

Marty was a lawyer but more than that she was a loving loving person she really cared and I'm shocked to hear that she passed away.....


Rest in peace and Marty I know you're in heaven now with the Angels

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Off-Duty Cop Arrested by Manhattan Bridge Drunk Driving NYPD Eugene Schatz

Off-Duty Cop Arrested by Manhattan Bridge Drunk Driving NYPD Eugene Schatz - woke-up 2am Ask him under oath video taped about Dr Andrew Fagelman, Delita Hooks his rôle party to goal erase all crimes violently coerce me violate my civil rights!

NYPD PO Schatz who took part in Misogynist Hate Crime Discrimination Goal Erase Crimes My case Arrested for Drunk Driving
--- why wouldn't he drive away he knows he can get away with anything and he has been for years?
Teflon criminals as Teflon Jeffrey Epstein was -- he had NYPD DA helpers!



It's all involved in cheating to win lying obstructing justice they don't think they've done anything wrong as I continue year after year to fight for justice and get even more evidence and they won't mind me praying every day that they get their karma on this earth that they get a taste of their own evil Medicine and what they did to me may come back to haunt them but I prefer Justice accountability apologies and also arrests plus financial compensation for all the years that I was denied just justice and every court where they lied cheated

See the Youtube NYPD porno tour versus my civil rights violated I mention him and his Facebook friend Det. said broke laws in my case and that a federal investigators just questioned him and the cops from the 1st Precinct Det. some bosses that broke laws they would be arrest but I want to federal investigators at this point because civil rights were violated and he was party to the goal to erase all crimes Oct 1, 2012.... Dr AndrewFagelman's office
-- I reported him in 2010 for using his car like a weapon for illegally using a Sirens for being reckless and abusive and parking wherever he wanted to I'm not surprised he was drunk he hit someone and he kept going not surprised at all I'm just surprised he was arrested I guess his hook his fixers his protector was busy that night or couldn't cover up this time?

Watch this YouTube -- I mentioned him and see if federal investigators just questioned him they would be arrest in my case I made the statement Thursday morning not knowing he was arrested the night before but sadly only for drunken driving and I believe hitting someone's car  and he kept going...
I can't help but wonder how many other terrible things he's done and gotten away with....

NYC Above the Law: NYPD PO Schatz Arrested For Drunk Driving Named in NYC Above the Law Blog Created Because of him and The Mercer Hotel NYPD Call a Cop 1800 Fix it

NYPD PO Schatz part of a misogynist hate crime....

Off-Duty NYPD Busted Drunk Driving is NYPD PO Eugene Schatz Crooked Cop I reported 2010 onward

NYPD PO Schatz who took part in Misogynist Hate Crime Discrimination Goal Erase Crimes My case Arrested for Drunk Driving
--- why wouldn't he drive away he knows he can get away with anything and he has been for years?

See the Youtube NYPD porno tour versus my civil rights violated I mention him and his Facebook friend Det. said broke laws in my case and that a federal investigators just questioned him and the cops from the 1st Precinct Det. some bosses that broke laws they would be arrest but I want to federal investigators at this point because civil rights were violated and he was party to the goal to erase all crimes Oct 1, 2012.... Dr AndrewFagelman's office
-- I reported him in 2010 for using his car like a weapon for illegally using a Sirens for being reckless and abusive and parking wherever he wanted to I'm not surprised he was drunk he hit someone and he kept going not surprised at all I'm just surprised he was arrested I guess his hook his fixers his protector was busy that night or couldn't cover up this time?

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Mansion near Ex- Hell's Angel Headquarters, NY Law School Zone Busting Dorm, 47 East 3rd Street New Scandal?

Mansion near Ex- Hell's Angel Headquarters, NY Law School ILLEGAL ZONE BUSTING Dorm, a  new scandal involving the horrifying evictions  47 East 3rd Street?

In 2008, The New York Times did a powerful article about mass eviction of 47 east 3rd street (on the same street as the Hell's Angel Headquarters -- now gone --- )and the other infamous neighboring building -- the New York law school dorm -- an illegal ZONE BUSTING dorm that only mayor Mike Bloomberg and his socialite city planner Amanda The People's Burden would allow.... like their colossal dirty dealings with NYU and Cooper Union .... City for sale.... when Mike Bloomberg said "Progress" he meant "get your moving van".  

11 years later, the last person involved in the 47 East Third Street story, may lose his home?

Read The NY Times article below and checkout the go fund me link...

This is the link to the GoFundMe platform   https://www.gofundme.com/f/a-plea-for-support-and-solidarity  


"...In 2008, all the tenants were obliged to evacuate the building.  Many of them had lived most of their lives there.  Among the 15 evicted families was one with a disabled son, a tenant dying of AIDS, another suffering from cancer, and a family expecting their second child.  One of the tenants, George Boyd, a Verizon telephone repairman, died of heart failure soon after he was evicted...."


One of the many retaliations is eviction....?


This EAST Village 3rd street block haunted by it's "infamous" history:

a) the Hell's Angel's ?
b) 47 East 3rd Street's mass eviction involving a dollar sale?
C) New York Law School's illegal zone busting dorm?
D) all of the above?

Mike Bloomberg financially propped up Charlie Rose -- Amanda Burden's great a love -(nauseating as well) - Jeffrey Epstein did pre - casting couch for abuser Charlie Rose?


If you are rich and you have money and or connections --  you're protected like pedophile priests -- you are above  accountability?


My case to the fix continues to be in but I am focused on Justuce how ever many years it takes....


Saturday, October 12, 2019

NYC Brooklyn 4 People Murdered if mayor de Blasio NYPD Brass Press Conference City Safe and NYPD DA enablers Jeffrey Epstein given Free Pass by Media like NYPD DA Travelers Group Corp Counsel Enablers My Case

Mayor de Blasio, NYPD Top Brass City Safe 4 Murdered this AM, PR Corruption NYPD DA Media Not Investigating NYPD DA Role enablers Jeffrey Epstein, NYPD DA Travelers Group Corp Counsel Enablers


NYPD, Travelers Group, 4 people murdered private party Brooklyn, mayor de Basio, NYPD police commissioner NYC safe, travelers group James Toomey, enablers Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks, Cy Vance Jeffrey Epstein 

Mayor de Blasio, NYPD Top Brass City Safe 4 Murdered Reminder NYPD DA Jeffrey Epstein enablers No Investigation and My Case NYPD DA enablers Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks NYPD that broke laws and Travelers Group is concerned I might re-appeal my lawsuit against the NYPD why inconvenient for their pals?

Why is okay to be violent, abusive and mock violence at Dr Andrew Fagelman with Travelers Group bring in styrofoam cups and handing one to Delita Hooks as Delita Hooks and Travelers Group lawyer wave them at me in a deposition as close to an F-U as close to giving me the victim now including Travelers group's victim a finger in the office but Travelers Group lawyers is concerned I might re-appeal my lawsuit -- Travelers Group knew Dr Fagelman committed perjury -- who can I go to to get Dr Fagelman arrested for perjury and Travelers Group owes me an apology and more but how can I got to hold them accountable -- everyone protected like pedophile priests were all these years including by JUDGES and the mayor and police commissioner hold fake press conferences the City is safe

Travelers Group Board Patricia Higgins, Allen Beller, Donald Shepard 

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Giuseppi Logan Update Shawneci Visits GL Gives Us News!

Giuseppi Logan Update Shawneci Visits GL Gives Us News!

Shawneci had contacted me originally hoping to hire GL but as you can see GL is not in the best shape but from my own visit I can tell you the nursing home is very nice and they love him and take good care of him.

I am in PTSD mode from Dr Fagelman negligence office violence and he went along with the goal to have me coerced and party to gaslighting to protect his employee he did not fire so I can't visit GL anymore but I am grateful to People that do visit and give me updates like Shawneci.

When I visited GL all he wanted to do was play his instruments and most of all return to Tompkins Square Park!
Hi Suzannah i just wanted to give you an update that i visited Guiseppe in Far Rockaway today. 
I think he's being well taken care of by Diane, they let him listen to jazz music and he's clean and his room is clean. he told me he hadn't played music in 7 years - i brought a saxophone for him to play - he put it to his lips but couldn't get enough air out. he said he felt to out of shape to play anything. it was sad, but we played some piano together which was nice. 
 it was a real emotional day for me, I felt Guiseppe was very effected too. because we're both musicians that want to play together, but because of age and health we couldn't. it made me cry on the way home, because we will probably not see each other again until we get to heaven than we can play til our hearts content.  Best wishes.  

Here is Shawneci's info:
thanks yes you can publish it on the blog and my only cds out now is this one with sax player Greg Abate https://shawneci.bandcamp.com/releases
and a reggae cd i produced on the island of Jamaica https://www.amazon.com/Shawneci-presents-Lion-Hearts-EP/dp/B076J6QC1J
i just go by the name Shawneci Icecold, I'm a relatively new pianist and music producer.
i have a new Jewish music Cd coming soon called Shabbat Muzik with a clarinet player and il send you a copy when its out. thanks for your interest. 

Update from Shawneci: https://open.spotify.com/album/4LRXmAk6D2FgXbuRMDNKza
Shawneci Icecold feat. Gabriel Rivano


Genre:  Tango: Neotango
Label:  DyM - Danza Y Movimiento Year:  2020  
Code:  DZ010128
EAN:  4024236101283

When I (Suzannah) had visited my one and only time a Canadian film documentary crew had just been there!
Again I believe because of my YouTube below.

I am too damaged from on going lies by Dr Andrew Fagelman...(please google Dr Fagelman assault YouTube and watch it and share until they stop their lies and gaslighting and Google NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer Delita Hooks letter threatening me with a 2nd false cross complaint)

There is a powerful article from "Signal to Noise" by Pete Gershon and I thought I scanned it and posted it but I didn't and I am too traumatized right now to search for it...but it was amazing....

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSb-JgMIeuA. Here is Guiseppi Logan as with his son Jaee Logan I would meet after I posted the YouTube of GL playing in the very same park almost 50 years later!  Jaee lives on the West Coast and had not seen GL since the British film documentarian had filmed them....see YouTube link at the top of this post!  YouTubeland magic and reminder all my work including the GL YouTube I filmed below was all removed when when I channel was deleted with the goal to silence me a critic of mayor Bloomberg who was running for a third term I did not support.  Luckily thanks to People like you who spoke up for me and Google deciding to do the right thing I got my YouTube channel and was able t continue my work!  The wikipedia page on my being censored and my activism has been deleted but I do exist on GL's wikipedia....

Reminder everyone I became a victim of Dr Andrew Fagelman, 155 Spring Street when his employee Delita Hooks did a running punch to my head like the came knock out the Jew... and I believe Dr Andrew Fagelman got corrupt NYPD to join in committing crimes with the goal to erases all crimes which they did and Dr Fagelman worse than Delita Hooks did not fire her but recently he came in was abusive and mocking as he committed perjury along with Delita Hooks so I have lost contact with Giuseppi Logan....  I am glad my YouTubes have gotten GL visitors!

The first visit I became aware of was a young African American man, a social worker moved by my YouTube and he visited GL when he was still living near Tompkins Square Park... I met the young man by random announcing my Justice cards in the subway and I was drawn to him because I heard him speak and with such compassion!

"I visited just Guesppi Logan in the hospital Beth israel one hit a broken hip and he checked himself out. The nursing station is 718-945-0403 or you can call the main number just Google it it's in Queens New York"

Friday, July 19, 2019

Dr McDougall, Andrew of Spudfit FYI I am losing weight oil free Whole Foods but today I had a delicacy aka a little bit of peanut butter

After I was savagely assaulted at Dr Fagelman's 155 Spring St Soho NYC I gradually gained 35 pounds!  Dr Fagelman decided to discuss me with his patients without investigating what happened and he and Delita Hooks recently committed perjury again confident they are above the law.

So this am I ate 1/2 peanut butter whole wheat everything bagel and offered 1/2 to an older homeless woman always sitting by herself next to a garbage can in Penn Station.  I was scared unsure of her reaction but she turned out to be grateful.

Dr McDougall explained how certain Whole Foods can feed the planet but peanut butter is not that food vs potatoes are that kind of food!

I am trying to leave "bagel" comfort foods behind but I allowed myself this special treat I associate with visiting my Mom who is in horrific shape at a nursing home.

After the attack I gradually lost all hope and turned to vacuuming up food to comfort myself!

Andrew my Spudfit coach from Australia is teaching me how to walk away from these foods but I watched Dr McDougall's Peanut butter YouTube and gave myself wiggle room this am.

This is the first time I ate peanut butter as a delicacy and at Penn Station waiting for my train.

Dr McDougall influenced me like no other.  I also found High Carb Hannah and Derek who made Oil Free eating so easy and fun and shared their wisdom  along with YouTube Star Jeannine of Potato Wisdom.

I just could get my body back with all the years of online gas lighting including by Dr Fagelman's patients on my YouTube channel and Yelp.   I also was violently threatened on line! I was violently threatened by NYPD Detective John Vergona over the phone with false arrest unless I dropped charges! Delita Hooks threatened me in a letter to Detective Andrew Dwyer unless I dropped charges.

Det Dwyer got promoted to the NYPD FBI Task Force for breaking laws at his desk!

Please Google Dr Fagelman assault -- I was savagely assaulted after Dr Vine removed a cyst. My attacker Dr Fagelman's receptionist/office manager Delita Hooks Violated my Patients Rights and my body as I asked I asked would you consider paper cups instead of styrofoam-- she yelled at me -- who are you -- you have no rights!  She and Dr Fagelman seemed to prove the point getting less than ethical NYPD to join in breaking laws ultimately falsifying police reports and violently coercing me erasing all crimes!

A doctor's office is suppose to be a safe place but it wasn't for me! It seems to me Dr Fagelman and Delita Hooks are as Teflon as Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell also protected by the Manhattan DA Cy Vance and his team as well as NYPD.

I only agreed to drop charges because I had a violent NYPD Det Vergona lying to me over the phone, violently threatening me, he made it clear he did not care if I had 2 black eyes and I had a hole in my retina and a lot of floaters!  He is like Delita Hooks and Dr Fagelman devoid of empathy.  Dr Fagelman and Delita Hooks committed perjury and Hooks was violent during the depo waving a styrofoam cup at me like F-u along with Dr Fagelman's lawyer.  She got up and there herself against the wall!

I could have been the victim of more violence and another Sex assault at the Precinct!

Dr Fagelman was arrogant, mocking and laughed in the deposition except when asked why he got divorced! He shook with anger jumped on his Cel phone staring at me and ran out of the depo!


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Cy Vance and NYPD Heinous Jeffrey Epstein Case, My Case Dr Fagelman Office NYPD Brokd Laws Too w/ Internal Affairs Top Cops Protecting

Is it possible NYPD Ray Kelly, Bratton, PC O'Neill knew Jeffrey Epstein got favors from NYPD allowed to miss Sex offender court check ins like the top cops protected crimes my case rich MD office+ NYPD falsified police reports coerced 1PP Cy fixers liars? 

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
⁦‪@suzannahtroy‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDDetectives‬⁩ ⁦‪@MTA‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDTransit‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYCTSubway‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDTips‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDSVU‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDnews‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDFIRSTDEP‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDONeill‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDChiefofDept‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDPBMN‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDPBMS‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDTD4‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPD13Pct‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPD25Pct‬⁩ Thanks to Ray Kelly, Bratton, O'Neill, Cy Vance, ADA Illuzzi, ADA Walton Teflon Dr Fagelman blithely committed perjury! Dr F said he didn't investigate what happened HE PUT HIS FULL TRUST IN NYPD! So did Teflon Jeffrey Epstein! NYPD DA enablers! nypost.com/2019/07/10/nyp… fix i$ in
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
Cy Vance accidentally ask to lower Jeffrey Epstein Offender pre '15? I caught retired NYPD CO Rudin $ try to fix ticket! Cy fixed my case Tiana Walton, Illuzzi protected NYPD fixing for MD erased crimes! suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2019/07/cy-van… fixed nypost.com/2019/07/10/nyp… retired cops in loop?

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Rojika Antanesian, James Toomey Violence, Perjury, Styrofoam cups ok with Travelers Group?

Rojika Antanesian, James Toomey Violence, Perjury, Styrofoam cups ok with Travelers Group?

If travelers group wanted to send me a message there on ethical that violence towards women violence towards medical patients violating patients rights making a mockery of Styrofoam and how it's harm to our planet killed how many sea creatures that is killing our ocean it's all a big joke that they are devoted to evil and violence and protecting wrongdoing the way pedophile priests have been protected then they sent me a message effectively and I'm demanding an apology and accountability. Rather than apologies it just seems like even more people join in protecting horrific wrong going and now Travelers Group must apologize to me for The abuse that went on in their offices in a deposition I won't take an apology from their lawyers it would have to be from their board and they would have to be accountability for what went on including the Styrofoam cups waved at me as close to giving a victim the finger in a legal proceeding.


Suzannah Troy
Lawsuit re: NYPD culture rape, sodomy, sexual harassment!Travelers James Toomey appointed Rajika to join Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks mock me the violence #patient rights VIOLATED.1 concern re-appeal my lawsuit against NYPD? DrF bragged trusts NYPD investigate nypost.com/2021/06/15/sui…
6/16/21, 10:20 AM

I thought I would get justice and accountability but I was harmed yet again and travelers group offices and one from a doctors office to travelers group more abuse more wrongdoing....!!!!!
https://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2020/11/my-civil-rights-human-rights-patient.html My patient rights my human rights violated my body violated and in travelers group offices I was mocked and terribly abused by travelers lawyer Rajika Antanesian appointed by James Toomey the doctor and his employee IN TRAVELERS OFFICES!!!! They did refrain from actually hitting me unlike the doctors office but it was extremely abusive and travelers did have one concern was I going to re-appeal my lawsuit against the NYPD not about me my body my patient rights violated her perjury but was I going to re-appeal my lawsuit against the the NYPD (who Dr Andrew Fagelman bragged smirked he TRUSTED to investigate and admit it he did not investigate and that's OK with travelers group? 

I am owed apologies by the board of the travelers group for what happened in Travelers group offices and I allege their lawyers were party to cheat to win then my life my patient rights are human rights my body being violated meant nothing it was like the film spotlight that I have no value as a victim because the doctor he should be protected like a pedophile priests Teflon that's my opinion and all my blogs are my Pinyan blogs.... I alleged besides the terrible abuses that went on in the deposition from waving Styrofoam cups at me to mocking me the violence and even me caring about the environment that Styrofoam is harming the environment yes travelers group lawyer did that in travelers offices I'm alleging that they cheated to win that they knew he was gonna walk in and commit perjury and lie under oath the attack did not happen on his property but when he stated he takes my attacker to drug parties than the travelers group Rajika corrected  him and said Dr Andrew Fagelman meant he takes Delita Hooks to  pharmaceutical parties. 

The fact that she didn't correct him when he lied under oath and she had made me watch that video over and over she knew the attack happened on his property in my opinion it shows that travelers group has no ethics there about cheating to win and harming someone like me even more which is what they did in their offices and I'm old and apology by their board. 

If the board has ethics then they need to take action against the lawyers and what they did to me in their offices Travelers group offices! 

Edward M. Fogarty, Jr., Lawyer at Litchfield Cavo -- how did he come to be involved in all this and why is it OK for his client to take a Styrofoam cup from the travelers group lawyer and for them to both wave at at me cruelly mockingly as  Close to giving me the victim the finger yet again in the middle of a deposition but Ed Forgarty did not object to that he objected to me shaking my head as his client openly committed perjury! And example we were never alone but it was a relief when occasionally his client admitted the truth like yelling at me she was going to slap the shit out of my ass! 

Ask Ed Forgarty JR about his objecting to my shaking my head while his client Delita Hooks committed perjury like lying we were alone when we were never alone or that I followed her when in fact she stalked me as she repeatedly Violated my Patient Rights beginning with yelling at me that I have no rights! by the way don't I have a basic human right to go to the doctors and not be yelled at that I have no rights and half my body violated and don't I have basic rights and civil rights to not be finally threatened with the arrest by NYPD unless I drop charges?

 Ed Fogerty was silent as his client Delita Hooks threw her self against the wall and also violently waved a Styrofoam cup at me with Travelers group lawyer Rajika; both Rajika and Delita sadistically smirking at me

CRUELLY SMIRKING  I guess that's what  traveler groups is really about that's their ethics, integrity  and values?

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
⁦‪@vegansuz‬⁩ ⁦‪@xryouthus‬⁩ ⁦‪@armandoarrieta‬⁩ ⁦‪@nytimes‬⁩ Travelers group lawyer James Tomey trying to illustrate via lawyer Rajika who w/ Delita Hooks waved Styrofoam cups at me Dr Fagelman laughed re: styrofoam + violence towards me OK w/ that the message violating my patient rights/body +  #perjury Dr F, Delita Hooks that's ok too?

Rojika Antanesian mouthed the word "sorry" to me during a deposition-- 
 It was in the context of me traveling out of state she wanted to know do I travel out of state and I said yes to visit my dying mother.

If James Tomey represents Travelers group than in my opinion he represents that Travelers group is unethical and perjury and abusive behavior cruel behavior mocking violence Styrofoam mocking violence  violating patient rights violating a patient's body lying gaslighting is OK that's what travelers group has come to in my  with James Tomey and Rojika Antanesian and their helper Ed Forgarty jr who didn't bat an eye when Delita Hooks  got up in the middle of a deposition and threw her self against the wall lying that I did that but  reprimanded me for shaking my head when his client Delita Hooks was openly committing perjury.

 I guess the fact that Dr Fagelman's employee could have killed me  with a running punch my head is just hilarious to Travelers group their lawyers and to Dr Fagelman and Delita Hooks.

 If you deal with this woman in a professional matter I want to warn you and alert you she's unethical disingenuous not to be taken at face value she's evil she's a liar -- she said sorry mouthing the word - she isn't sorry she is cruel abusive  and she was empowered 100% by James Tomey.  I don't believe she snuck Styrofoam cups past him but discussed all her extreme cruelty with him!

 She handed Delita Hooks a violent liar who with her employer Dr Andrew Fagelman  openly committed perjury and I believe James Tomey and Rojika Antanesian  were aware of the perjury.  Rojika had no Problem with her client lying stating I wasn't assaulted on his property he wasn't aware I was assaulted when he admitted watching that video six times but I sat in a room prior to this with his lawyer watching her watch the video over and over she knew I was assaulted on his property and didn't say a word but Dr Fagelman said he took Delita Hooks to drug parties she corrected him! 

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
⁦‪@vegansuz‬⁩ ⁦‪@xryouthus‬⁩ ⁦‪@armandoarrieta‬⁩ ⁦‪@nytimes‬⁩ Traveler group lawyer James Tomey assigned Rajika Antanesian defend Dr Fagelman she stacked styrofoam cups up she waved one at me like Delita Hooks aka f-u! Hooks lawyer Edward Fogarty jr ok w/ Dee Hooks f u styrofoam cup move + throwing herself against a wall during deposition?

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Note: please excuse terrible typos  

suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy)
NYC I Love You Big Time: Rojika Antanesian, James Toomey Violence, Perjury, Styrofoam cups ok with Travelers Group? Travelers group lawyers unethical? Yes in my opinion but nyc corrupt so 0 accountability? Travelers knew Dr F wrong doing chose to protect! nyciloveyoubigtime.blogspot.com/2019/07/rojika…
It appears to me the travelers group has zero ethics and they chose to join in the gang of wrongdoing because they don't have ethics and they owe me an apology but I wouldn't take it from the lawyers it would have to be from the travelers group board.

 I would warn you if Rojika Antanesian says Anything to you even an apology it's not real she is such a disingenuous unethical person and again she didn't do what she did in a vacuum but she did it with James Tomey and Ed Forgarty jr having full knowledge of her  styrofoam cup antics and handing a woman who violently assaulted me repeatedly many many times and was over me asking would you consider paper cups instead of Styrofoam seem to amuse Rojika so much she offered Delita Hooks a styrofoam cup and they both waved them in my direction like they were giving me a finger in the middle the depositions.

 Do I think James Tomey and gang are unethical lawyers  that knew their clients were going to commit perjury and why like the doctor saying it didn't happen on my property when they knew what happened on his property and Dr Fagelman and Delita Hooks lied under oath

who helped them with their new  false narratives

Like my attacker Delita Hooks was not a receptionist or an office manager as if she's not having those titles would alleviate her from violating my patient rights

Dr Andrew Fagelman and Rojika Antanesian behavior in the  deposition extremely abusive but the judge did not know about what happened in the next deposition with Delita Hooks, Rojika Antanesian and Ed Fogarty jr and that's too bad and I hope down the road she will an action will be taken that's just my wish.

James Tomey should have been censured with Rojika Antanesian because I believe he green lighted all abuse and so allege even possibly more wrong doing.    They were shocking new false narrative's all with the goal to alleviate any liability and my question does Travelers group want to win by unethical means?

 for me so far my journey it seems like a wall around the justice system where everyone involve people who piled on to help try and get Dr Fagelman and his employee off may have crossed lines ethical lines and if you're helping to fabricate false narrative's have you broken the law I don't know? I am just asking.

Dr Andrew Fagelman and Rojika Antanesian  would later be censured  by the judge when the judge was alerted to f  vicious mocking inappropriate behavior kind of what went on in Dr Andrew Fagelman's office when my patient rights  were being violated remember this lawyer is bad behavior happened with James Tomey s knowledge.   As I said I don't believe that she snuck Styrofoam cups into that deposition room without his knowledge.

I guess Travelers group is ok  with this kind of abusive behavior whether to do medical office or in their lawyers office is in the travelers group building?

Based on what I witnessed based on what I experienced James Tomey is not a good lawyer but my opinion he is an unethical and there is no way what went down in offices went down without his knowledge

 I've been looking at him and Fogarty and found some interesting things.
 I don't know what to make of it all yet but what are you do say is somethings very wrong with travelers group and it's too bad the judge didn't know what happened in the depositions with Delita Hooks, Rojika

 It seems that lawyers that act unethically and abusively ours Teflon as the doctor and his employee there is Teflon is pedophile priests I think of the film spotlight and one judge he said I'm not going to support this and I'd hoped this would be the judge but instead it just appeared to meet the victim that there's a wall around the justice system and people that behave badly they have no decency or empathy and in this case is this James Tomey as Travelers group lawyer saying Travelers group is as unethical as him?

 I really would like to sit down with the Board Of Travelers group when this is all over and really go over what happened in Tomey's offices which are in the Travelers group building   

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