Terror L train Bedford people almost crushed fear of a gun man 4 videos 1 from inside the subway car and a photo -- You have to scroll down to see all 4 YouTubes!
Wednesday Update: NYPD not honest and forthcoming about way too much....
* For nearly six months, the New York Police Department has failed to comply with a New York City law requiring the department to make public demographic and location data related to people arrested or issued tickets for turnstile jumping, amNewYork reports.
Wednesday Update: NYPD not honest and forthcoming about way too much....
* For nearly six months, the New York Police Department has failed to comply with a New York City law requiring the department to make public demographic and location data related to people arrested or issued tickets for turnstile jumping, amNewYork reports.
What is real is the terror that I caught with this video inside the subway car ....in all 4 videos!
+ I updated this post with some articles and a Reddit post. If you read the Reddit post their comments and one express is what many people have concerns about which is the NYPD and their official response to what happened is suspicious!
NYPD pilots flew spy plane in penis-shaped route to troll boss
https://nypost.com/2018/07/31/nypd-pilots-flew-4m-plane-in-penis-shaped-route-to-troll-boss/ NYPD pilots to picture to describe their corrupt inappropriate boss his behavior and abuses I guess that's what you have to do when federal authorities are ignoring NYPD top brass breaking laws protecting crimes, party to obstruction of Justice, violation of our civil rights of use of taxpayer money etc.
Reddit - nyc - We thought there was a bomb in the L
Update: No gunman All false alarm. A malicious prankster?
Monday morning the New York Post reports this so my question is why is there actually someone flashing a gun on that subway in the car I was in Saturday or was it a prank? Than put that question in context of this article! Gunfire explodes over seven bloody hours in NYC. I was a victim of violence in my attacker did not have a gun - Google Dr Fagelman assault. It’s amazing I had a frightening experience in the subway car but I walked out exited it safely which was a miracle in and of itself but if you look at the video of me being attacked I wasn’t safe for the doctors and SoHo where I was critic of the 1st Precinct doing fixing in favors for Rich hotel down the street I run protests and try to help the vendors were a victim of what we call “selective policing“ - I was a victim of MD employee anger management and I could’ve been killed murdered if I fallen backwards and hit my head at a rich MD’s. 1800 Corrupt NYPD Fix it!
This blog post getting attention - mentions DAs fail us corrupt, NYPD Bratton could have action Eric Garner case...my case.
(Monday am update reposted my exclusive YouTube two years before Sheldon silver was even indicted I caught him in front of the courthouse and ask him are you part of corruption and of course he denied it!
Ser blog post the story about the police commissioner using a federal funded airplane when he shouldn’t that stories gone dead and it shouldn’t at all he should be held accountable and forced to resign as well as re-pay taxpayer’s along with every top brass on that airplane ! http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2018/07/nypd-pc-oneill-fed-funded-cesna-chief.html )
Bratton, Ray Kelly were forced to repay free airplane rides! #NYPD PC O’Neill, Chief Boyce as guilty so pay back tax payers $ federally funded rides 0 accountable as in fire them for fixing favors retaliation OBSTRUCTION of Justice my case and other cases!
So far media outlets that have acknowledged my work first thank you NBC and I believe and NY1, Univision NY are going to thank you
Gun scare causes a panic among NYC subway passengers
NY1 recognized
The NY Post editors KILLED the subway new story! Wow NYDN added my video but the NYDN did not credit me but there is my YouTube crowning the article) NYDN credited me way back NYDN carried my Youtube NYPD Rape cop protest but it has been removed!
Not credits also below....?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYCTSubway If you look to your right you’ll see a guy with his arms extended and he’s looking in the direction of the ghost gun man. Is this guy a plain clothes NYPD? Does he have something in his hands? If someone flashed a gun did he exit into the other car up driggs staircase? pic.twitter.com/rQi5Gh9Rkt
Not credits also below....?
As it unfolded I was on the phone with the New York Post photo desk - their editors compromise their journalistic integrity because they don’t like me - I notified them of what happened and sent them video
Terrified passengers stampede at Bedford Avenue L Station | Metro US
https://www.metro.us/news/terrified-passengers-stampede-bedford-avenue-l-station Metro uses my work but doesn’t acknowledge me and even quotes me I’m invisible woman who powerfully documented what I could.
L Train Gun Scare Causes Stampede At Bedford Ave Stop: Gothamist
http://gothamist.com/2018/07/28/l_train_gun_scare.phpSuzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
L Train Stampede of Fear Bedford Station was a gun flashed inside the subway car, was it someone’s imagination or malicious prankster? Certain media outlets haven’t carried my work or used my YouTubes & quoted me minus my name! #Journalism #Integrity DOA? suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2018/07/terror…
8pm thanks to the media outlets w/ integrity that asked for my permission and are actually going to credit me for my work.
I’m really no one was killed I’m relieved I’m safe I was not harmed or hurt — I have PTSD from a violent attack at a doctors office where was hurt very badly and the lies almost 6 years continue even though I have video evidence proof including police reports the cops lied and broke was joining in so this was really jarring for me. Thanks and gratitude to the gentleman who saw I was shaken up, carried my bag and drove me home.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@ACLU @ManhattanDA @FBI @NewYorkFBI Was a terrible prank L train people were terrified they drop their bags which you can see in the YouTube people screaming for the doors of the L train to open I exited safely v Google Dr Fagelman assault hole in my retina etc 0 arrests multi threats to me suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2018/07/terror…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NewYorkStateAG Cy Vance Tiana Walton Joan Illuzzi, Siobhan Berry protected NYPD falsifying DD5s, multi threats to me 1 by Det Vergona over phone! Critics of Cy don’t have human/civil rights youtu.be/dh9TedhfthE perps ganged up to lie NYPD join in no statute of limitation obstruction justice

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYCTSubway Google Dr Fagelman assault. I was savagely assaulted my eye neck my body hurt and could have been killed. Miracle I wasn’t hurt all people I saw were safe just terrified
Deaths from a single punch not that uncommon - Washington Times
https://amp.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jul/21/deaths-from-a-single-punch-not-that-uncommon/Download the Twitter app
Terror L train Bedford people almost crushed fear of a gun man 4 videos one from inside the subway car. If the doors had not opened I think there could’ve been a fatality. I looked I did not see anyone I never heard threat I never saw gun or heard a gunshot. Once I exited and it was a miracle I wasn’t hurt because we were pushed up against each other was so frightening I thought people would fall face down and be run over by people fleeing. I don’t know if someone flash to guide and ran up the stairs out driggs - I don’t know if it was cruel prank or someone really thought there was a threat when there was none. Google Dr Fagelman assault. The NYPD treated me like the prospect park Rape Victim — Watch the YouTube you’ll see a lunging running punch to my head. I could’ve been killed I was badly injured I just had a medical procedure I was patient my rights my patient rights my body were violated there were no arrests. Anyone investigating the subway should know it’s a miracle people escaped safely was sheer luck and a miracle but what shocking to me as well as in contrast I went with doctors office on the six years ago to feel better and left damaged and the NYPD IA and the DA protected all crimes because they didn’t like me...
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYCTSubway @MTA Terror on the L train Bedford stop people almost crashed each other in fear of a gun man youtube.com/watch?v=D8oggH…
please excuse terrible typos sent from my iPhone
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@ACLU @ManhattanDA @FBI @NewYorkFBI 4YouTubes Terror L Train people screamed doors to open as we pulled up only 1door opened than both I’m safe. Google Dr Fagelman assault I could have been killed 6yrs ago running lunge punch to head I was hurt bad NYPD IA DA protected all crimes my case!
suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2018/07/terror… |
L Train Passengers run for cover alleged gun man https://youtu.be/cFoCNgbkyOc via @YouTube
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