Evidence NYPD Police Commissioner O'Neill Protecting Crimes My Case


There are YouTube of me confronting O'Neill and his former boss Bratton about a C#nt to turn the tables on me and they are not surprised at all - there are no Sherlock Holmes they're not interested in getting to the truth or Justice they are committed to covering up Crimes? Three police commissioners have protected crimes in my case a pile up of crimes from a doctors office to a the First Precinct w/ Internal Affairs protection like internal Affairs protected Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy and others! YouTube of me confronting Sheldon Silver two years before he's arrested. YouTube of me confronting the corrupt misogynist racist dirty DA Cy Vance years before he is outed for pay to play violence, sex assaults, Rape....etc.

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
⁦‪@NYPDONeill‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDChiefofDept‬⁩⁦‪@NYPDFIRSTDEP‬⁩ ⁦‪@TheIACP‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDnews‬⁩⁦‪@NYPDDetectives‬⁩ ⁦‪@MjrCitiesChiefs‬⁩⁦‪@NYPDChiefPatrol‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYCPBA‬⁩⁦‪@MarcSantia4NY‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDCT‬⁩youtu.be/syrc3ncHFTI ask PC O’Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly, Pulaski, Boyce, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon about audio Sgt Chen PO Magori prevent me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint lying I am not from DA or a det. so I am not allowed to report the crime! #NYPD Lies!

2020 http://misogynistnyc.blogspot.com/2015/03/racism-misogyny-dumbcuntlives-matter.html?m=1

After all these years I finally found something I didn't know I had a photograph of the tweet that may be from NYPD or someone connected to the NYPD a racist misogynist telling me my life doesn't matter and I got what I deserved because I defend Black People!

NYPD Coerced me to drop charges or go to jail with a hole in my retina Saturday arrest for Dr Fagelman's savagely violent receptionist Delita's running punch to my eye grabbing my hair trying to drag me down the hall by my hair damaging my neck not fired or arrested I agreed to false arrest Oct 16 immediate than Det John Vergona changed my false arrest date to Saturday oct. 20, 2012 4PM IAB let him and his supervisor retire! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE I am alleging fix, favors and retaliation -- please look at the first page -- it mentions HP tied to 911 Tech corruption as well as mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly free rides Air Bloomberg....http://www.scribd.com/doc/188752042/NYPD-Commissioner-Ray-Kelly-Charles-Campisi-DI-Ed-Winski-Lt-Agnes-Lt-Angelo-Burgos-IAB-Sgt-Mary-O-Donnell-Sgt-Chen-Det-Andy-Dwyer-Det-John-Ve

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Mayor de Blasio I would't buy your Exercise video

mayor de Blasio uses NYPD Intelligence Division Detectives to Silence Critics Steps of City Hall and his Gym

Friday, September 28, 2018

NYPD Police Commissioner O'Neill Accepts John Miller Apology Prospect Park Rape but Not O'Neill's to accept how the NYPD make Victims Invisible

2020 http://misogynistnyc.blogspot.com/2015/03/racism-misogyny-dumbcuntlives-matter.html?m=1
After all these years I finally found something I didn't know I had a photograph of the tweet that may be from NYPD or someone connected to the NYPD a racist misogynist telling me my life doesn't matter and I got what I deserved because I defend Black People! 

NYPD John Miller faux "apology" not for Police Commissioner to Accept Again NYPD top cop misogyny erases victim like my case    https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nypd-ids-suspect-in-1994-rape-case-columnist-once-infamously-deemed-hoax/  Please research I can't do all the work and if you use my work please credit and also tell my story.

Prospect Park Rape is written over his face -- the O in prospect sums him up as well as DI Edward Winski who was the commander of the First Precinct and head of erasing everything that happened to me.  The poster addresses the teenaged raped/sexual assaulted by NYPD detectives and the gang of NYPD that tried to intimidate her like I was more than intimidated by Det John Vergona!    Also involved were Det John Vergona and Det Andy Dwyer falsifying police reports, bait switch downgrade to 0 crimes and they are facebook friends with  NYPD PO Gene Schatz the first cop I reported to Internal Affairs before I was attacked as well as his partner Det Tommy Moran.  The Precinct knew the fix was in and this was RETALIATION AND MISOGYNY even acting on a cunt threat during the open investigation by Joe Tacopina who has not denied he broke the law threatening me during an open investigation on YouTube as Bob Dobalina. I filed complaints with NY State Ethical Committee against him and Chad Seigel for alleged committing crimes during an open investigation and they did not deny they did it!

I filed an ethical complaint prior against Chad Seigel for comparing the NYPD Rape Victim's vagina to a venus fly trap and Chad and Joe threatened to sue me -- I responded to the NYS Ethical committee tell them go ahead -- I submitted a list of who I would call in my lawsuit.  First time ever Tacopina silent -- second time when I filed the ethical complaint against him for breaking the law threatening me during an open investigation.

How many apologies has NYPD police commissioner Jimmy O'Neill accepted on behalf of WOMEN -- ERASING the Women VICTIMS that have been raped ---- not his apologies to accept?   Propsect Park Rape case and countless women that were date raped!  Yes he accepted Capt Pete Rose's apology re: comparing "date rape" to "regular rape" and not being as bad.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
⁦‪@NYCMayor‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYCFirstLady‬⁩ O'Neill should be fired w/ John Miller Prospect Park RAPE Case! Bratton should have fired Miller 23 yrs ago! Not your daughter although she is a #Yale grad! I voted for you once I believed you were not Bloomberg but u, ur aide in photo WORSE BloomdeBlasio youtu.be/RKKOwshy9vk pic.twitter.com/c6omxt9FNN

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
⁦‪@NYCMayor‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYCFirstLady‬⁩ NYPD John Miller faux "apology" not for Police Commissioner to Accept Prospect Park Rape case Again NYPD top cop misogyny erases victims like my case w/ Zachary Carter, Ray Kelly, Bratton, O'NEILL, Scott Stringer, Chief Boyce/Campisi/Reznick/Banks etc

MISOGYNY!  Look at the date.  I was 2 years ahead of the media and Preet Bharara re: Sheldon Silver case -- here is the link to me asking Silver r u part of the corruption but WHAT WAS DONE TO ME AT DR FAGELMAN'S IS NOT NEWS yet.

It is okay to hit a woman right Cy Vance -- if the woman is a critic of you?

HE SMILES AT ME!   FYI the YouTube at the end points out my attacker touched my vagina w/ her barefoot.  

https://cyvanceonetermda.blogspot.com/2018/06/cy-vance-misogynist-corrupt-da-adas.html  $ funneled to play to rape, pay to sexually assault, pay to implode wall street dirty DA but the media didn't report there were 19 victims of the MD he did not send to jail and made sure was not listed on the sex offender app.....https://www.buzzfeed.com/albertsamaha/robert-hadden-doctor-sexual-abuse-cy-vance?utm_term=.dt7bBdMbpV#.qw8wDojw98

Mayor de Blasio and his other half Ms McCray gave me a taste of their very unprogressive/fascist true selves with their aides setting NYPD Intelligence detectives from the First Lady's detail to exclude me move me, eject me and silence me.  Wake-up New York!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKKOwshy9vk  I am wearing a sign addressing the Prospect Park Rape case, my case, the gang of NYPD that tried to intimidate a teen raped/sexually preyed on  by 2 detectives AND I AM THERE FOR THE SAME REASON -- THE WOMEN STOOD UP FOR ME AND ONE OF THE TWO AIDES OF THE MAYOR'S OTHER HALF SAW THE WOMEN ON THE STEPS WERE WATCHING AND CONCERNED FOR ME SO ONE OF THE AIDES CALLED OF THE NYPD INTELL DETECTIVE THAT VIOLATES PROTOCOL NOT SHOWING ME HIS BADGE AND ID BUT THAT IS HOW FRIGHTEN BILL DE BLASIO AND MS MCCRAY THEIR GOAL TO SILENCE VICTIMS UNLESS IT FITS A NARRATIVE THAT  PUTS THEM IN A NATIONAL SPOTLIGHT! HENCE THEY HAVE NOT SHARED ERIC GARNER'S HANDWRITTEN LAWSUIT FROM RIKERS THAT ALSO INCLUDES NYPD SEXUALLY ASSAULTING HIM!

The de Blasio's aide -- the guy in the red shirt set this in motion to silence me a VICTIM of a Violent assault included SEXUAL ASSAULT which I told NYPD Det Vergona immediately and erased that and everything you see in the violent YouTube and it got worse when the camera goes black. I was holding my bags -a lot of them one heavy and my elbow had 2 injections.  I was a human piñata a medical patient and IT SEEMS LIKE EVERYONE IN NYC GOV THAT CAN CONTINUES JOINING IN TO ABUSE THEIR POWER AND ATTEMPT TO SILENCE ME WATCH THE 2 VIDEOS THAT DE BLASIO AIDES/NYPD.


GOOGLE NYDN CY VANCE JEFFREY ESPTEIN  -- WHO was given THE MARC RICH TREATEMENT as in funnel money! Who made the call to Cy Vance to ask to lower Epstein's sex offender status?  Money funneled to Cy Vance and ......?

   Cy Vance tried the same thing as the de Blasio aides -- I was in Central Park for Elephants to stop their extinction and he set State Troopers on me who said the same thing to me as this NYPD detective --- and again NOT TRUE!  This is America there is CIVIL LIBERTIES AND YOU DO NOT GET TO CURATE - CENSOR PEOPLE IN PUBLIC SPACES!  

9/24/18, 1:37 PM ⁦‪@NYCMayor‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYCFirstLady‬⁩ youtube.com/watch?v=RKKOws… except if you don't like them than you set NYPD intelligence division detectives to harass attempt to ouster but women stood up for my right to be there bummer for ? youtu.be/36r3Jg1LPlA pic.twitter.com/iYyXE4Rp8m

* New emails showed throughout his first term, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio struggled with crafting a national profile, leaning heavily on an outside consultant to elevate his political role beyond New York City, while often lamenting his media coverage and strategy, Politico New York reports.

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
⁦‪@NationalNOW‬⁩ ⁦‪@ToniVP‬⁩ NYPD John Miller faux "apology" nnot for Police Commissioner PC O'Neill, John Miller RESIGN 0 accountability teflon get out of jail cards like Bill Cosby time running out how ever many yrs it takes so many victims NYPD IA DA obstructed JUSTICE. No statute
suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2018/09/nypd-j… pic.twitter.com/Wpy49WwYmk

James O'Neill, Ray Kelly, Charles Campisi, Bill Bratton, John Miller, Chief Esposito, Chief Banks, Chief Boyce the misogynist chief of detectives ask him and Cy Vance about my case and also Sex Crime Lt. Lamboy even lying about working on RAPE cases at the Manhattan DA and 1 Police Plaza and Cy Vance, O'Neill, head of IA Reznick w/ IA steering committee, Chief Boyce the corrupt misoygnist NYPD chief of detectives that quietly retired when he should have been fired -- ALL PROTECT CRIMES HOW MANY YEARS HOW MANY CASES INCLUDING MINE!!!!!!

WHY IS THERE NO ACCOUNTABILITY?  Because de Blasio and City Council in a coma or it isn't there loved one -- in face in my case their silence = complicity they don't like me so it's okay to savagely assault me and violate me which happened under mayor Mike Bloomberg so in my book they are no better -- there are all complicit?

 Answer under oath how many times you were party to violating our civil rights violating justice violating protocol violating the NYPD guidebook and how many politicians protected that corruption how many dirty DAs, ADAs etc ?    How many agencies that are supposed to police the police the most corrupt and offensive is misogynist corrupt Internal Affairs who cannot place itself!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
⁦‪@NationalNOW‬⁩ ⁦‪@ToniVP‬⁩ NYPD PC O'Neill also promoted Captain Pete Rose to DI he said that he misspoke when he compared date rape to other rapes said it wasnt as bad. NYPD PC O'Neill has a erases victims and accepts apologies not his to forgive my case youtube I confront him! suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2018/09/nypd-j…

NYPD police commissioner Jimmy O'Neill  Mr. Ted Talks cannot hide his DISDAIN/Misogyny watch his expression.  Ted Talks should delete his video on YouTube!

He  like Bratton and Ray Kelly know my case and he isn't curious like Sherlock Holmes -- no -- he is complicit in the misogyny in the hate crime to turn the tables on me. 

 FYI the NYPD love using women to do their misogynist dirty work -- I have three audio set up structuring of Justicewon from DA Sex Crimes unit I woman to tact if he violates protocol twice won't let me report a crime and is fine with the fact that detective metaphorically put a gun to my head over the phone violenctly threatening me over the phone forcing me to drop charges it's on youtube you can hear all three youtubes.   Woman cop inside the 1st Precinct and SoHo that's pinned to my Twitter account check it out

NYPD John Miller faux "apology" nnot for Police Commissioner

please excuse terrible typos sent 
from my iPhone

Be party to coercion commit a misogynist crime participate and threatening a woman who is violently assaulted including sexual assault at the doctors and SoHo get off on it the party to coursing her downgrading crimes zero crimes be party to threaten her you get to work for John Miller?

Fire #NYPD Bratton "Real" John Miller Cops are Parking Valets Hospital 1995 Officer Down Emergency Blood Delivery

NYPD Knapp Mollen Time for a New Commission John Vergona FBFriends Gene Schatz, Moran, Andy Dwyer: Corrupt Detective Andy Dwyer Part of Joint Terrorist Task Force Phone Number Out of Order?

 Is the terrorism unit where the nypd hide some of the worst misogynist Corrupt cops commit crimes at their desk ????

misogynistnyc: NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer, Lt Burgos Protect Delita Hooks Signed letter Threat Retaliate 2nd false cross complaint

Bill Cosby sentencing "Endurance of #Survivors " Hope for Us! by Suzannah Troy

Zachary Carter, Larry Byrne, NYPD Internal Affairs Chronic Lying RICO Charges?



If john miller had been fired maybe some women would have saved being raped?

Bratton uses the word "dear" like "cunt".    Again not curious because he knows my case he knows who I am -----  time for the NYPD to clean house and it disgusts me Hillary Clinton was going to pick this vile man for Homeland security -- he has Eric Garner's blood on his hands and he did not fire John Miller 23 years ago about lying about the Propsect Park Rape Case!

Ray Kelly also MUST NEVER BE THE HEAD OF HOMELAND SECURITY!  EVER!  My case, Eric Garner case -- read Eric Garner's handwritten lawsuit -- find my blog NYC I love you big time read Eric Garner in his own words.

  1. Replying to   and 
    ask PC O’Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly, Pulaski, Boyce, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon about audio Sgt Chen PO Magori prevent me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint lying I am not from DA or a det. so I am not allowed to report the crime! Lies!
  2. I had to write US Department of State Google Dr Fagelman assault explain why my signature changed over the last 16 yrs because I was a victim of horrific violence/lies at a MD's chronic insomnia PTSD. I'm holding my new passport holding back tears. Thinking go to Israel but tired

Monday, August 20, 2018

Fire NYPD Police Commish O’Neill and Chief Reznick!!!!

Fire NYPD PC O’Neill for not firing John Miller PP Rape! Bratton should have 23 yrs ago! O’Neill embraced misogynist Chief Boyce promoted Det Andrew Dwyer for breaking laws at his desk my case! O’Neill Boyce stole cesna busy man?https://youtu.be/wcmJtj26hZw fire #arrogant #entitlement

Fire O’Neill, Chief Reznick etc. Clean house!!!! 

Bratton  hiring chief Reznick to be head of Internal Affairs Drugs when he was named in a lawsuit for calling NYPD whistleblower a rat articles in the New York daily news there two articles and then what is James O’Neill to keep him there it tells you that they’re encouraging corrupt cops at internal affairs continues what Ray Kelly and Campisi did which is protect corrupt cops in my case in other cases !!! 

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
⁦‪@FBI‬⁩ ⁦‪@NewYorkFBI‬⁩ Fire NYPD PC O’Neill for not firing John Miller PP Rape! Bratton should have 23 yrs ago! O’Neill embraced misogynist Chief Boyce promoted Det Andrew Dwyer for breaking laws at his desk my case! O’Neill Boyce stole cesna busy man?youtu.be/wcmJtj26hZw fire #arrogant #entitlement

NY Post article  sounds like I’m right I was thinking the two hour lunch they had for him Thursday was a goodbye lunch —  disgusting that he hasn’t been fired already — Chief Boyce  should’ve been fired but he was allowed to say face and resign and I do this phony public relations about these dirty cops!

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
⁦‪@TishJames‬⁩ NYPD PC O’Neill resign! Crooks as bold as NYPD breaking laws at their desk falsifying police reports like Det Vergona +threatened me over the phone w/IA protection! PC O’Neill 2hr lunch Mutual of America graft + stole Cesna rides? nypost.com/2018/08/20/nyc…

The city there’s gun fights murders rapes and the police commissioner claims he’s busy that’s why he asked to steal a federally funded cesna the abuse of taxpayer money a federal offense —  and he’s got to take a two hour lunch for police athletic league when he’s no role model he’s not a leader for kids and how many shady cops let’s say retired for instant showed up for free lunch ...?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
Fire #NYPD police commissioner James O’Neill arrogant, self entitled 2 hour lunch Mutual America when not stealing Federal funded cesna plane w/ corrupt misogynist chief Boyce! Also Fire Chief Reznick Internal Affairs Steering Committee! nypdnewcommission.blogspot.com/2018/08/fire-n…

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Terror on the L Train Riders thought Gunman Watch Door Opened Bedford Stop 4 Videos

Terror L train Bedford people almost crushed fear of a gun man 4 videos 1 from inside the subway car and a photo -- You have to scroll down to see all 4 YouTubes!  
Wednesday Update: NYPD not honest and forthcoming about way too much....
* For nearly six months, the New York Police Department has failed to comply with a New York City law requiring the department to make public demographic and location data related to people arrested or issued tickets for turnstile jumping, amNewYork reports.

What is real is the terror that I caught with this video inside the subway car ....in all 4 videos!

+ I updated this post with some articles and a Reddit post. If you read the Reddit post their comments and one express is what many people have concerns about which is the NYPD and their official response to what happened is suspicious! 

Reddit - nyc - We thought there was a bomb in the L

Update: No gunman All false alarm.  A malicious prankster?
Monday morning the New York Post reports this so my question is why is there actually someone flashing a gun on that subway in the car I was in Saturday or was it a prank? Than put that question in context of this article! Gunfire explodes over seven bloody hours in NYC. I was a victim of violence in my attacker did not have a gun - Google Dr Fagelman assault.  It’s amazing I had a frightening experience in the subway car but I walked out exited it safely which was a miracle in and of itself but if you look at the video of me being attacked I wasn’t safe for the doctors and SoHo where I was critic of the 1st Precinct doing fixing in favors for Rich hotel down the street I run protests and try to help the vendors were a victim of what we call “selective policing“ -  I was a victim of MD employee anger management and I could’ve been killed murdered if I fallen backwards and hit my head at a rich MD’s.    1800 Corrupt NYPD Fix it! 
This blog post getting attention - mentions DAs fail us corrupt, NYPD Bratton could have action Eric Garner case...my case. 

 Ser blog post the story about the police commissioner using a federal funded airplane when he shouldn’t that stories gone dead and it shouldn’t at all he should be held accountable and forced to resign as well as re-pay taxpayer’s along with every top brass on that airplane ! http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2018/07/nypd-pc-oneill-fed-funded-cesna-chief.html )

Bratton, Ray Kelly were forced to repay free airplane rides! #NYPD PC O’Neill, Chief Boyce as guilty so pay back tax payers $ federally funded rides 0 accountable as in fire them for fixing favors retaliation OBSTRUCTION of Justice my case and other cases!

NYPD pilots flew spy plane in penis-shaped route to troll boss
https://nypost.com/2018/07/31/nypd-pilots-flew-4m-plane-in-penis-shaped-route-to-troll-boss/ NYPD pilots to picture to describe their corrupt inappropriate boss his behavior and abuses I guess that's what you have to do when federal authorities are ignoring NYPD top brass breaking laws protecting crimes, party to obstruction of Justice, violation of our civil rights of use of taxpayer money etc.

So far media outlets that have acknowledged my work first thank you NBC and I believe and NY1, Univision NY are going to thank you
NY1 recognized
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
⁦‪@NYCTSubway‬⁩ If you look to your right you’ll see a guy with his arms extended and he’s looking in the direction of the ghost gun man. Is this guy a plain clothes NYPD? Does he have something in his hands? If someone flashed a gun did he exit into the other car up driggs staircase? pic.twitter.com/rQi5Gh9Rkt
The NY Post editors KILLED the subway new story! Wow NYDN added my video but the NYDN did not  credit me but there is my YouTube crowning the article) NYDN credited me way back NYDN carried my Youtube NYPD Rape cop protest but it has been removed!

Not credits also below....?
 As it unfolded I was on the phone with the New York Post photo desk - their editors  compromise their journalistic integrity because they don’t like me -  I notified them of what happened and sent them video

Terrified passengers stampede at Bedford Avenue L Station | Metro US
https://www.metro.us/news/terrified-passengers-stampede-bedford-avenue-l-station  Metro uses my work but doesn’t acknowledge me and even quotes me I’m invisible woman who  powerfully documented what I could.  

L Train Gun Scare Causes Stampede At Bedford Ave Stop: Gothamist

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
L Train Stampede of Fear Bedford Station was a gun flashed inside the subway car, was it someone’s imagination or malicious prankster? Certain media outlets haven’t carried my work or used my YouTubes & quoted me minus my name! #Journalism #Integrity DOA? suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2018/07/terror…

8pm  thanks to the media outlets w/ integrity that asked for my permission and are actually going to credit me for my work.  

 I’m really no one was killed I’m relieved I’m safe I was not harmed or hurt — I have PTSD  from a violent attack at a doctors office where was hurt very badly and the lies almost 6 years continue even though I have video evidence proof including police reports the cops lied and broke was joining in so this was really jarring for me.   Thanks and gratitude to the gentleman who saw I was shaken up, carried my bag and drove me home. 

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
⁦‪@ACLU‬⁩ ⁦‪@ManhattanDA‬⁩ ⁦‪@FBI‬⁩ ⁦‪@NewYorkFBI‬⁩ Was a terrible prank L train people were terrified they drop their bags which you can see in the YouTube people screaming for the doors of the L train to open I exited safely v Google Dr Fagelman assault hole in my retina etc 0 arrests multi threats to me suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2018/07/terror…

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
⁦‪@NewYorkStateAG‬⁩ Cy Vance Tiana Walton Joan Illuzzi, Siobhan Berry protected NYPD falsifying DD5s, multi threats to me 1 by Det Vergona over phone! Critics of Cy don’t have human/civil rights youtu.be/dh9TedhfthE perps ganged up to lie NYPD join in no statute of limitation obstruction justice

People were crushing each other as they moved away in terror to the end of the subway car screaming and begging for the doors to open only one opened  -- then both and we exited -- People left their belongings, I saw crushed sunglasses -- it was a miracle I exited safety I felt like Angels were with me.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
⁦‪@NYCTSubway‬⁩ Google Dr Fagelman assault. I was savagely assaulted my eye neck my body hurt and could have been killed. Miracle I wasn’t hurt all people I saw were safe just terrified
Deaths from a single punch not that uncommon - Washington Times
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Terror L train Bedford people almost crushed fear of a gun man 4 videos one from inside the subway car. If the doors had not opened I think there could’ve been a fatality. I looked I did not see anyone I never heard threat I never saw gun or heard a gunshot. Once I exited and it was a miracle I wasn’t hurt because we were pushed up against each other was so frightening I thought people would fall face down and be run over by people fleeing. I don’t know if someone flash to guide and ran up the stairs out driggs - I don’t know if it was cruel prank or someone really thought there was a threat when there was none.  Google Dr Fagelman assault. The NYPD treated me like the prospect park Rape Victim — Watch the YouTube you’ll see a lunging running punch to my head.  I could’ve been killed I was badly injured I just had a medical procedure I was patient my rights my patient rights my body were violated there were no arrests. Anyone investigating the subway should know it’s a miracle people escaped safely was sheer luck and a miracle but what shocking to me as well as in contrast I went with doctors office on the six years ago to feel better and left damaged and the NYPD IA and the DA protected all crimes because they didn’t like me...

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
⁦‪@NYCTSubway‬⁩ ⁦‪@MTA‬⁩ Terror on the L train Bedford stop people almost crashed each other in fear of a gun man youtube.com/watch?v=D8oggH…

please excuse terrible typos sent 
from my iPhone

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
⁦‪@ACLU‬⁩ ⁦‪@ManhattanDA‬⁩ ⁦‪@FBI‬⁩ ⁦‪@NewYorkFBI‬⁩ 4YouTubes Terror L Train people screamed doors to open as we pulled up only 1door opened than both I’m safe. Google Dr Fagelman assault I could have been killed 6yrs ago running lunge punch to head I was hurt bad NYPD IA DA protected all crimes my case!
L Train Passengers run for cover alleged gun man https://youtu.be/cFoCNgbkyOc via @YouTube

Suzannah Troy Artist News  Suzannah Troy Artist News   Suzannah Troy Artist News   Suzannah Troy Artist News  Suzannah Troy Artist News   Suzannah Troy Artist News  Suzannah Troy Artist News  

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

NYPD Top Brass Misogynist Corrupt Victims Required to be Ms America Perfectly Behaved Victims

NYPD Internal Affairs Misogynist Against Women Victims Who Don’t Look Act like Miss America 


He’s NYPD detective kidnapped her. I was threatened with kidnapping and less I drop charges they were going to take away my freedom my liberty if I didn’t drop charges they were going to arrest me who knows what else they would’ve falsified detectives from the 1st Precinct detective squad I call Harvey Weinstein land the 1st Precinct’s and SoHo Tribeca do the math please NYPD top brass an internal affairs are so misogynistic so full of hatred prejudice towards women!

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @TheIACP @NYPDnews @NYPDDetectives @MjrCitiesChiefs @NYPDChiefPatrol @NYCPBA @MarcSantia4NY @NYPDCT Misogynist NYPD Internal Affairs trash Teenage Rape victim to protect NYPD Rape Detectives as usual weigh Judge victims like Miss America Pageant if u don’t behave look like a “good girl” your guilty! Mae West “vulgar” tool to cope patriarchal misogyny!

Mae West  had countless men hitting on her so being vulgar was a way of reclaiming power believe it or not in a misogynistic world.

Vulgar? So what.   Being vulgar doesn’t justify men committing crimes and the fact that it’s men with guns and badges makes it 100 times more horrific .

 I was violated at a doctors office I was supposed to be safe at a doctors office and they were a pile up a clients from a doctors office to a police department to One Police Plaza who’s the king of misogynists NYC -  they even have women club members that are happy to do their dirty work.

 I have three NYPD audio doing the work of misogynist party to obstruction of justice preventing me from reporting crimes,  covering up crimes from the doctors office to Police Department in multiple threats to me not to come forward or else!   All three women I’m sure got praise from their mail supervisors  for teaching me a lesson that if I’m a critic of the NYPD I was on my constitutional rights it’s OK to break laws obstruct justice falsify police reports and threaten me multiple times.

Chief Osgood, Reznick, Boyce and now his replacement, PC O’Neill  are fine with this detective violating protocols and they’re all  OK with the detective John Vergona  verbally violently threatening me over the phone with false arrest and less I drop charges.   The corrupt 1st Precinct detective squad they never met with me the detectives in their supervisors refused to meet me part of that is even quote on audio below from the 1st Precinct the Harvey Weinstein precinct I wonder how many times they protected him as well?

NYPD First Precinct Det. Make Assault Disappear I was Assaulted: NYPD PC James O'Neill Confronted on Misogynist Hate Crime I allege Joe Tacopina! Did Tacopina Call Det Dwyer too?

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDSpecialops @NYPDnews @NYPDONeill @NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPD68Pct @nypost @NBCNewYork @CBSNewYork @ABC7 @PIX11News youtu.be/dh9TedhfthE I agreed to be kidnapped twice by NYPD det Vergona First Precinct if I didn’t drop charges. Misogynist Chief Boyce promoted Detective Andrew Dwyer for his part breaking laws in my case see my attacker’s threatens me to Dwyer again! misogynistnyc.blogspot.com/2017/08/nypd-d…

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@NYTMetro NYPD First Precinct Det. Make Assault Disappear NYPD PC O'Neill Confronted on Misogynist Hate Crime Cunt threat to turn the tables I allege Joe Tacopina! O’Neill protects John Miller misogyny racism anti #LGBT obstruction Prospect Park Rape Rape case!

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Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
NYPD Internal Affairs Misogynist Against Women Victims My case 3 audios proof Chief Osgood party to NYPD misogyny NYPD violating protocol, Campisi/Reznick Internal Affairs, First Precinct audio won’t let me report crime use women cops NYPD obstruct justice misogynistnyc.blogspot.com/2018/05/nypd-i…

I wasn’t raped but my attacker omen pressed her barefoot against my vagina as a form of domination after running punched my head pulling me by my hair touching me all over when I said don’t touch me I was a patient but I don’t fit Miss America either did the prospect park rape victim  

You can hear I call civilian complaint review board,
 The commanding officer of the first precinct at the time Ed Winski who was fixing crimes to get promotions he works making crimes like mine go away he joined in a misogynist take him to turn the tables on me a cunt I left was Joe Tacopina as Bob Dobalina-  is never denied the contract that he broke the law threatening me during an open investigation along with his partner Chad Seigel as Charles Ward.

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDSpecialops @NYPDnews @NYPDONeill @NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPD68Pct @nypost @NBCNewYork @CBSNewYork @ABC7 @PIX11News 3 audios evidence NYPD PO First Precinct, IA Sgt, Sex Crime Det obstruct justice my case misogynist bosses retaliation enjoy assigning women to do their dirty work! I am a critic expect NYPD IA to obey protocols law ditto rich they do fixing and favors for suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2018/05/nypd-i…
You hear me call internal affairs but there are overwhelmingly protecting crimes that’s what they do they protect far more crimes than they ever follow up o you hear me call internal affairs but there are overwhelmingly protecting crimes that’s what they do they protect far more crimes then they ever expose.

 I am glad Joe Tacopina drafted the letter my tack or sign to Detective Andrew Dwyer crime it threatens me yet again

 This is a woman internal affairs Sergeant Mary O’Donnell who also think she’s a good Christian I think she’s a corrupt evil liar

When people are scared or anxious they can behave in all kinds of ways it doesn’t mean that the people that harm them should get away with it people that abuse power weather was me at a doctors office abuse of power is shocking or those detectives, or John Miller Who lied about a rape victim is Black LGBT activist Yale grad and he still isn’t fired.  When I protested the Manhattan DA his corruption misogyny way back older Hispanic woman walked up to me and she said that DA was doing terrible things to her but she had no way to get help she didn’t even feel safe to tell me.  
How many women have been raped by cops sexually assaulted and have no recourse because they know they’re going to be judged and made into the bad person when they’re the victim? 

 John Miller’s no expert on policing on rape as far as I’m concerned terrorism why he hasn’t been forced to resign or even up arrested for obstruction of justice in the Prospect Park Rape Case is shocking. 

 In my case there was a whole lot of obstruction of justice how many people were party to the fact I was going to be threatened how many threats who was threatening me we have a woman who attacked me on video threatening me with bodily harm and it’s not the police reports because the cops doctor the reports and Downgraded serious crimes to zero crimes including their crimes!