Friday, April 29, 2011
Bloomberg's NYC NYPD Rape Victim Put on Trial + NYPD Ticket Fix Cover-up
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Demand A Hospital = Rally Saturday!
It is about life or death!
Mayor Bloomberg King Of New York T-Shirts, Posters and Dart Board
If you haven’t made it to the Morgan Library click on this link and see the poster that inspired that Latin I put up over Bloomberg’s shoulders.
I am getting a lot of requests for posters, T-shirts and I would love to market a dart board.
I don’t even have the original art computer file I used to create this poster so don’t hold your breath.
I am loving the calls I am getting from supporters though on marketing my work.
I love my dart board idea!
Oct. 2, 2008 I learned how to make my first YouTube. My first YouTube was called Mayor Bloomberg King of New York. I also set up a blog with the same name as well to begin the fight against Bloomberg’s third term and his destructive actions toward the People of New York and our great City!
Mayor Bloomberg "King of New York" | |
![]() | 57 sec - O |
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
MTA Metro Cards Break Rip-Offs Corruption NYC Bloomberg Infrastructure
Bronx Fire Death Toll DOB Death Toll so NYDN sells Lie! DOB need to call NYPD in as escort! DOB protects corrupt slum lords, scum lords
Why didn’t the news reporters for the NYDN ask DOB spokesperson why DOB Inspectors did not call the NYPD? Cover-up and damage control by NYC gov and friends at NYDN, nyc gov! Cathie Black brokered a huge real estate deal for the owner of this newspaper and Mike Bloomberg sold the air rights. We will never ever get the truth and here a little boy and his parents dies horrific deaths. Mike wants to close firehouses and cut FDNY while he and his pals grow richer and even more arrogant.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Pat Lynch head of PBA Publicly Gave Joe Tacopina Hell Over Brancato but remains quiet over treatment of Rape Victim Venus Fly Trap Verbal Batterings
The president of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, Patrick J. Lynch, even publicly accused Joseph of bad behavior in the courtroom, saying, "a professional attorney laughing as if this was a joke in front of a dead man's family is the most insulting thing that ever happened in front of a bench in this state." A spokesman for the PBA tells Page Six Magazine Lynch does not wish to comment any further on the matter because he doesn't want to give Tacopina any more press coverage.
Read more:
Pat Lynch YouTube Pat Say Something Now or After the Trial YOU HAVE to speak up!
New today!
Joe Tacopina NYPD PBA Rape Cop Lawyer Mel Gibson Misogyny & the Law
Read more:
Pat Lynch YouTube Pat Say Something Now or After the Trial YOU HAVE to speak up!
New today!
Joe Tacopina NYPD PBA Rape Cop Lawyer Mel Gibson Misogyny & the Law
Joe Tacopina PBA NYPD Rape Cop Lawyer Mel Gibson Misogyny and the Law
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
LGBT New Yorkers To Appear In Easter Day Parade NYC Tomorrow
LGBT New Yorkers To Appear In Easter Day Parade NYC Tomorrow
LGBT Civil Rights Walk In NYC Easter Parade 2011 - Connecting Rainbows
For me this is for all New Yorkers including straight women who are victims of violence and murder because they are women. We are dealt with viscously and with violence including harassment and it must stop.
LGBT Civil Rights Walk In NYC Easter Parade 2011 - Connecting Rainbows
For me this is for all New Yorkers including straight women who are victims of violence and murder because they are women. We are dealt with viscously and with violence including harassment and it must stop.
Suzannah B. Troy
Friday, April 22, 2011
Theatre 80 St. Marks Place Gets Conditional Liquor License.
Check out Lorcan Otway's beautiful photos and breaking news Theatre 80 got their conditional liquor license.
Theatre 80 will be the quiet and cultural alternative to bars.
When you are on St. Marks Place in the East Village, visit Theatre 80.
Check out Lorcan Otway's beautiful photos and breaking news Theatre 80 got their conditional liquor license.
Theatre 80 will be the quiet and cultural alternative to bars.
When you are on St. Marks Place in the East Village, visit Theatre 80.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Jason G. evicted from 47 E. 3 mass eviction fighting Cancer and WE Pray he is winning
I'm doing okay right now.I've got one more chemoto go. After that, I'll bedoing pre tests beforeradiation starts.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Jimmy Breslin On The Press and His Life
jimmy Breslin On The Press and His Life
Words and Wisdom of Jimmy Breslin
Pulitzer Prize-winning and hard working reporter Jimmy Breslin was interview last week by CUNY investigative report in residence Tom Robbins on the publication of his new book Branch Rickey by Jimmy Breslin at the CUNY Graduate Center (The old Harold Tribune building) . (Video)
Media, is the Plural of Mediocrity
Investigative Reporting Not Done Today's Reports Mostly About Opinions
I say as a reader your getting robbed . . . Go Out and report that is with two feet and go out and climb stairs . pay attent to what the guy said - shut up and listen. He was the first to report charges that a narcotics suspect had been tortured with an electronic stun gun while in police custody in Queens. He was also cited for sympathetic portraits of AIDS victims.Sunday, April 17, 2011
Yetta Kurland Saves Peter Silvestri Vegan Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen From Marshals and EVICTION! Yetta talks the talk and walks the walk
Yetta Kurland got in front of a Judge by 5 of 5:00 PM and saved the day!
The landlord set Marshal on Peter but Yetta fought them off!
Plenty people talk about helping small businesses but Yetta Kurland saved the day!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Every Minute Counts We need a hospital Rudin Family
Bloomberg’s Bubba Doll Bill Clinton Blows it on Hookers when Praising Mike Bloomberg
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Ed Koch Mayor For Hire. Hire Bloomberg’s Mayor Doll Ed Koch hired by Rudin Family developer goal to win over neighborhood W. Village
oopsie The NY Post ethical lapse....they published a letter by Mitchell Moss a flunkie for Bloomberg and the Rudins...flat out lies could have been spam by cyber stalkers for bloomberg that so many of us received like Bloomberg’s mailers.
You all know I call Charlie Rose Mike’s Ken doll because Mike owns him to.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
MTA’s Decay is Art! How the MTA robs New Yorkers Blind gives us lousy service but their fat cats stay rich by Suzannah B. Troy
The MTA is such a mess and they collect so much money hand over fist. The MTA Metro card is a sham ripping off people because many just can’t keep up with the swipes that don’t work, mailing the damaged cards in for refunds or keeping up with the lose change on the cards that in the years is a big time money loser for the MTA’s customers but a big time money cash cow for the MTA.
The MTA tech deals are like the MTA Mafia real estate deals -- just accepted as a way of life. The tech deals though did lose mass amounts of money while all the big fat execs and tech consultants with the exception of one that may be heading to jail just get richer.
The MTA service is the worst and their ads and Mike Bloomberg’s are an in your face insult and again a big joke. You ain’t fooling New Yorkers and we are pissed off.
Larry Roland Performing Cornelia Street Cafe
LARRY ROLAND bass, poetry
Hosted and words by GOLDA SOLOMON
Also featuring Special Guest Poets:
Irina Arriaga - Peter Fiore - Ruth Handel
Elizabeth Lara - Ana Silva - Phylisha Villanueva
The Cornelia Street Café
29 Cornelia Street, Greenwich Village, NY 10014
"A culinary as well as a cultural landmark" -- Mayoral Proclamation, City of New York 1987
Tel: 212-989-9319 / Fax: 212-243-4207 / Web:
Watch my YouTube!
LARRY ROLAND bass, poetry
Hosted and words by GOLDA SOLOMON
Also featuring Special Guest Poets:
Irina Arriaga - Peter Fiore - Ruth Handel
Elizabeth Lara - Ana Silva - Phylisha Villanueva
The Cornelia Street Café
29 Cornelia Street, Greenwich Village, NY 10014
"A culinary as well as a cultural landmark" -- Mayoral Proclamation, City of New York 1987
Tel: 212-989-9319 / Fax: 212-243-4207 / Web:
Watch my YouTube!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Bloomberg Don’t rename Queensborough Bridge how about asking the people 1st Slow Down You Move too fast
Cherry Grove Tompkins Back Drop St. Brigids in Blue Restoration
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Stefano Giovannini Very Talented Photographer Journalist with Global View
I want to thank Stefano for sharing this photo with me so I could share it with you.
Many people that call them self artist or photographer do the same work over and over -- like having the same conversation. He is work is not like that at all but he doesn’t update his website and funny but I don’t update my artist’s website anymore either. This photo leaped out at me. If you look up at the top of this blog -- my very first blog than you will understand why.
I am face book friends with this dynamic photographer and his Coney Island series that remind me of a Hopper painting -- some how lonely and stark. (I was suppose to see the Hopper exhibit at The Whitney today, the very last day when my friend....I always show you a picture of us visiting museums but I am not sure I am going to make it uptown. Still feel so tired from being sick for weeks.)
If you tool around Stefano Giovannini’s website you can find photos giving us visuals of a Protest of China’s treatment of Tibet and the United Nation’s indifference.
Powerful work....from the facebook photos of Coney Island to his website.
Email mayor Mike Bloomberg demand Christine Quinn’s legal bill be posted on NYC Gov MY Money NYC/check book/ NYC + listen to Quinn scream at NYDN reporter like she the emperor of NYC not a public servant!
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Email Mike Bloomberg! Tell him Christine Quinn and her staff’s HUGE lawyer bills for $600 an hour lawyers + Sullivan and Cromwell the same firm Goldmans Sach uses must be put on NYC gov website and Quinn must resign now! She has been sued 4 times for back rent! 4x but she hires the most expensive defense attorneys that specialize in White Collar Crime for her and her staff? She can’t handle her own money and she abuses tax payers money.
Click here to her Quinn sounding like a little emperor -- her hear in her very own words!!!!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Lady Gaga “Born This Way” The Country Version on itunes all purchases go to anti-bullying charity

ladygaga Lady Gaga
BORN THIS WAY The Country Road Version is on itunes now all purchases go to anti bullying charity GagaVision coming in 4 hrs!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Write Mike Bloomberg and tell him to stop Christine Quinn from the on going abuse of Tax Payer Dollars 600 dollar an hour defense attorneys + Sullivan and Cromwell
Sally Goldenberg NY Post broke this before the election and finally the nypost followed up and revealed it was Quinn who approved spending our money on Sullivan Cromwell.
Read my email to the mayor:
Christine Quinn’s legal bills and her staffs must be posted on nyc gov -- John Liu’s website my check book and Christine Quinn needs to resign. She can’t pay her rent? She gets sued 4 times for back rent yet she approves spending tax payer money to hire Sulllivan and Cromwell - the same firm Goldman Sach hires? Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn have confused tax payers -- the people of New York’s tax dollars with Goldman Sach. Stop the abuse.Resign.
Black Out! Cathie Black History -- she steps down by Suzannah B. Troy
Black Out! Cathie Black History -- she steps down
Cathie black resigned
Look in this article and Glenn Hutchin’s company Gartner and Rupert Murdoch’s new acquisition handled by Joel Klein will jump out at you!
Look in this article and Glenn Hutchin’s company Gartner and Rupert Murdoch’s new acquisition handled by Joel Klein will jump out at you!
Cathie Black Board of Education Resigns Out Joel Klein Rupert Murdoch Glenn Hutchins Gartner
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Mike Bloomberg Christine Quinn SLUSH Fund ABUSERS! Approved hiring Sullivan & Cromwell -- Bloomberg-Quinn rape the tax payers of New York
Mike Bloomberg and your puppet Christine Quinn -- this is a democracy although we know you don’t get that process as you denied us a referendum and pushed through a third term selling the great lie Mike Bloomberg was the man and the only man who could help us with the economy.
We know he helped every billionaire in NYC but not us the people of New York!
WARNING DEAR READERS: Get out your barf bags and have the closet garbage bail near by!
HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I ASKED WHO IN NYC GOV. APPROVED SULLIVAN & CROMWELL -- THE SAME LAW FIRM Goldman Sachs uses? Answer Christine Quinn who can’t even pay her own rent on time and has been sued 4 times for back rent according to The New York Daily News.
Below a paragraph from the ny post link above!
"Council Speaker Christine Quinn has already hired two sets of lawyers - the firm of Sullivan & Cromwell, at $95,000, for the entire legislative body, and Lee Richards, at $600 an hour, as her attorney - amid the investigation into how the council allocated $17 million in funds since 2002 for so-called member items.”
JOHN LIU == PLEASE POST ON NYC GOV WEBSITE -- my checkbook that his webpage to see how tax payer money is spent by Christine Quinn and staff!!!!!!!!
Where is Mike Bloomberg on this and Mike is thanking the Lord I don’t have a press pass because I would demand he give me a comment on this shameful abuse of tax payer money! Why do we have to pay for a top law firm that specializes in White Collar crime and Quinn’s lawyer charges 600 an hour and she hired him when she can’t pay her rent on time and gets sued 4 times for back rent! Only Mike Bloomberg can afford Christine Quin not the tax payers of New York City!
By the way Sally Goldenberg broke the high priced defense attorneys including Sullivan & Cromwell before the election and I did a YouTube on it!
Get ready to vomit again. Christine Quinn who lied to us about needing Mike Bloomberg is telling the truth about how all this slush money at her hands has helped her. Please don’t forget Christine Quinn uses slush and intimidation, not just slush. She financially punishes city council people with guts.
The author of this piece thinks Quinn might be running? She has over 2 million bucks already to run == take a look at her donations.
submitted to comment to the The Sun:
The New York Daily News exposed the fact Christine Quinn has been sued 4 times for back rent so she doesn’t have any understanding of financial responsibility but she some how has all this tax payer money to abuse as well as too much power! How did this happen. Mike Bloomberg should have said “No!” but he is as bad as her abusing tax payer money with his own slush fund and making tax payers pay 6 figure salaries to employ his campaign staff! Christine Quinn wants to be our mayor. She can’t even pay her rent on time and gets sued repeatedly, she hires the same firm firm that Goldman Sachs uses for her staff! We can’t afford to have Ms. Slush and Intimidation as mayor! I wish Bloomberg and Quinn would both resign. They said we needed Bloomberg for a third term to help us with the economy and we are living proof that was not the truth.
You all know I am boycotting The NY Post because some slime buckets over there banned me from commenting. They banned me and than unbanned me and than banned me again!
So for the lame brains -- I click on a fellow bloggers links to your newspaper to tell you come into the 21st century -- that bloggers send you traffic but James Murdoch would need to take over, fire the oafs responsible and bring in people who actually know we are living in the 21st Century.
Now to massive slush abuse and reminder I call Christine Quinn Ms. Slush and Intimidation.
p.s. Thank goodness Mazer this time around was a consultant. Mike Bloomberg is such a meshugna big time abuser of tax payer money he might have made us pay Gerald Shargel’s bills and the guy only takes cash!
Slush money abuse horror Mike Bloomberg christine Quinn liars thieves jail abuse of tax payer money
Suzannah B. Troy Recovering from Bloomberg Corruption Flu -- Take a Yoga Class NYC is the City of Yoga
2nd blog post from IPad 2 with blogger App. I really felt like I was dying and I still have a lot of congestion and this cough but major spiritual uplift tonight!
I took an hour Yoga class which is way more challenging than a much longer gentle class I usual take and it was very challenging but cured me! Despite the overwhelming Bloomberg corruption in your face and I am talking street level this class just massaged my heart and soul.
At one point I curled into child's pose and my shirt which says "yoga is my bailout" was wet with sweat -- my teacher came over and did gentle compressions on my spine and I felt true compassion as well as the wonderful physical sensation of my spine lengthening. For weeks I haven't been able to breathe and tonight I can fully. Still a little congestion but I feel so much better. I did a head stand, my first in a while.
I always did the most macho sports and had a lot of muscle. I have lost so much but I see people doing yoga with beautiful muscles. Muscles in NYC are urban jewelry. I want beautiful yoga muscles in my fifties!!!!
Than had delicious food at the Love Shack! Everything made with love and very healthy!
Thanks, love and big hugs to everyone that reads my blogs, watches my tubes and sends me positive energy!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
YouTube: Mike Bloomberg, The Chief Publishes my Letter “Mayor’s Booed Not News” by Suzannah B. Troy (I Love You The Chief)
To my blog readers: Please check out The Chief newspaper and know this paper was created in 1897 to be an Independent Voice. The Chief The Civil Employees’ Weekly
April 8, 2001
For those who could not attend here are two videos of Bloomberg being booed.
and my YouTube I refer to in my letter to The Chief
Monday, April 4, 2011
The Chief publishes Suzannah B. Troy letter “Mayor’s Boos Not News
Thank Chief! The letter is long enough to be an op-ed piece which refers to many powerful issues so it’s a must read.
Thanks and gratitude to The Chief.
The letter came from my heart and soul.
I love you The Chief!
Suzannah B. Troy
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Jerry Delakas City gives beloved Cooper Square newsstand vendor the boot over license
He is a really nice guy. I remember the morning after Sept. 11, the stand was open and there was a long line to buy the newspaper, single file and long....very sad...It is like Mike Bloomberg his socialite city planner Amanda the People’s Burden, NYU the evil empire that mega dormed the east Village to death and Cooper Union, NYU jr. want ethnic cleansing -- zero compassion and no sense of humanity..
Friday, April 1, 2011
The New York Post Ethical Lapse Post never stated their tech deal with Board of Education NYC Gov.
Thanks again to The NY Post slimy editors and their web guys that banned me or I would never have caught them in yet another ethical lapse.
Click on NY Times article -- skim down until you see the 2.7 million dollar deal Murdoch made with Board of Education with a tech company and Glenn Hutchins company Gartner is listed and I hear Gartner practically runs NYC gov and that when Mike Bloomberg looks in the mirror he sees Glenn Hutchins!
One of my last comments before being banned yet again by the NY Post was about Gartner’s dirty role in CityTime with Spherion as reported in Sally Goldenberg’s piece Kick Back in Time.
Board of Directors -- Partnership for New York City
Associated Partners, LP, K. Rupert Murdoch Chairman & CEO News Corporation. Jeffrey L. Bewkes ... Glenn H. Hutchins Co-CEO Silver Lake, Mary Ann Tighe ... - Cached
I previously exposed The NY Post’s ethical lapse on behalf of Mitchell Moss who is a highly paid flunkie of NYU’s and The Rudin Family so The NY Post’s thugs are working over time
to protect Mike Bloomberg and their investments and trampling on 1st Amendment Rights you think?
Mike Bloomberg Con Edison Big Time Liars - Our Bills Higher to pay for Greedy Corrupt Development -- the infrastructure! by Suzannah B. Troy
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